Chapter 57

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Randy in the media for those who forgot⬆️

He unlocked the lock on the chains. I fell, but he helped me up.

He walked over to the back door, and opened it.

"I'm gonna need you to get away. Get away as fast as possible," he said.

"Find Monica," he said.

"She already hates me."

"She doesn't hate me though. Tell her I sent you," he said.

"I can't if she kills me first."

"She's not a kill first ask questions later type of girl," he said, "You might be chained up again, but she'll listen."

He gave me all the belongings I had came here with.

"This is really the only choice I have huh?"

"Yup. Now go," he said.

"Thank you. Bye."

I ran out as fast as I could. There was still a lot if security outside, so I had to be stealthy.

I hope I can make this right.

Monday Morning

Since I was so far away, and I was tired, I had slept in a hotel for the night. It felt really good. It was so soft and comfortable. Too bad I had to leave.

I ended up around my house after like 3 hours. Something clicked in my head.
My brother...I hope he's okay.

I got out my keys and opened the door.

"Hello!" I yelled out.


Fuck. They've probably already gotten to him. I hope he's okay.

Monica's POV

Trayveon was the only one not up for breakfast, so I went upstairs to his room to wake him up.

"Wake yo stupid ass up!"

"Naw," he replied.

"You're awake right now."

"I'm not," he said.

"Imma drag you out."

He didn't reply, so I took it upon myself to take his legs and drag him out of bed.

"Come on man," he said getting comfortable on the floor.

"It's either wake up or receive no breakfast."

He gets up real quick.

"That's all you had to say," he said.

He walked his ass downstairs.

"This boy only motivation is food."

Jaliyah's POV

I checked around the place. It was what I think was blood stains but other than that it was fine. I sat down on the couch.

How am I supposed to talk to her without her killing me? If I just show up to her house one day, I'm gonna get shot. I could call her. We could meet in a public place. I'll do that.

I'm starving, so I decided to go out and get some food. Before I get food I go to the bank. I always have stowed away money just incase shit went left. After I went to the bank, I got some popeyes. Specially, I got that chicken sandwich.
Shit was amazing.

I went back home and ate because I didn't want to be in the open too long. I don't want to be spotted. After I ate, I went in my closet and take out my safe. I opened it and got another phone. This phone was gonna be the phone I call Monica with. Also, I needed a new number. Once I obtain Monica's number, I call her.

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