Chapter 24

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We came down and I saw him. He looked scared ass hell. I took the tape off his mouth.

"Mo I didn't have a choice! I swear I didn't want to betray you!"

"Where is she...WHERE THE HELL IS SHE?!" I yelled

"I can't tell you they're gonna kill me. Whatchu think imma do if you don't tell me shit"

"Mo...we friends you not gon sho-"

"No you uh opp. We ain't friends." I said cutting him off

"Now where is she"

I hit him in the mouth with the gun "If you don't talk now imma have the boys torcher you"

He stayed silent

"Okay fine." I looked at some of the crew and said "Do whatever you want to him. Just keep him alive."

And with that I left hearing his screams.

"Mo you good?" MT said

"Yep take me home I'm exhausted"

"Okay" MT said


When I got home I took a shower and washed all the blood off me. Then put on PJs and went to bed.

After awhile of trying to sleep I gave up. This was my fault. Destiny & Jayceon got dragged into it.

I decided to go downstairs and eat something sense it's been since I ate.

I feel like shit...

Destiny's POV

I woke up in the bed in an unfamiliar room.

What the hell I happened?!

"Going to the movies. Then going home with...Jaliyah. Then I went to get her some juice. Then that's it I woke up here." I said in a low voice

"Where am I?"

I got out of the bed to try to open the door.

Well it's not locked.

I decide to do a little exploring around the house. First looked in the bedrooms but nobody was there. I went downstairs to the main floor. I went in the kitchen and no one was there.

Where is Jaliyah? Why am I even here? And how did I get here?

I went into an office room and still saw nobody there.

Was I kidnapped?

I went down to the basement and saw Jaliyah yelling at some poor girl bruising her up. She was crying and screaming loud.

I was so shocked and I felt betrayed. I quietly ran upstairs and went in the office searching for something. I found a gun in the closet and a key. I decide to back up to that room and wait there with the gun. Figured that this key went with the key whole for my door so I kept it just incase I'm locked in this room.

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