Part 9

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Xena P. O. V

Xena: Ah~ After a tired day, a coffee always work. *sip and braid hair*

Hoseok: I know right *sip*

Xena: What were you about to ask me?

Hoseok: Actually, I have a lot. Let me start with one by one. First, what's your real name?

Xena: Lee Xena.

Hoseok: No, the other name.

Xena: *sigh* Lee Yunyeong.

Hoseok: Why don't you use that name?

Xena: It sound like a boy name and I hate it. I like the name Xena which was called by my sister. Another question.

Hoseok: Why do you braid you hair all the time?

My heart started beating fast and I said

Xena: Because of my sister.

Hoseok: Your.... sister?

Xena: Yeah. She would always braid my hair like this. After the day she die, I let my hair like this and for another reason.

Hoseok: Your hair color isn't?

Xena: How did you know?

Hoseok: I saw your hair color change into red, blue and light green. *smirk*

I blush and drink the coffee.

Hoseok: How did she die?

Xena: Private.

Hoseok: Ok? Anyway, are you a witch?

The coffee drop from my hand and it was freaking hot but I felt nothing.

Xena: Aish, this coffee. What did you just said?

Hoseok: Are you a witch?

Xena: No.

Hoseok: Really? *eyes became purple*

Xena: Don't you dare *eyes yellow*

Hoseok: Oh, so you are *smile* It's nice to finally see you, queen.

Xena: Ok stop saying that. I am not a queen or some type of shit. Another question.

Hoseok: Where are your parents?

Xena: Mother alive, father die.

Hoseok: Do you know Thomas?

Xena: *heart beat faster* N-no.

Hoseok: Are you the one?

Xena: Yeah. I was the one who kill him.

Hoseok: Why?

Xena: You will know later. I will go now. *sniff*

I was about to walk away when he grab my hand and I feel electeic vibe from it and I take my hand out quickly.

Hoseok: S-sorry *eyes pink*

Xena: It's ok *eyes pink and quickly change it to normal* Oh, why don't you arrest me?

Hoseok: Because I know everything. Let me help you.

Xena: No it's ok.

Hoseok: Will you give me your phone number?

Xena: You are police isn't? *smirk* Find yourself. ACK!

My heart started aching and I was about to fall down when Hoseok hold me from my waist.

Xena: I-it hurts! AHHHH!!!!!! HELP ME!!!!! *tears fall down*

Hoseok: It's going to be ok.

He kiss my forehead and that calm me a bit and I still feel that electric thing but I ignore it and he pick me up and went inside his car. The pain stop and I can finally breathe again.

Xena: *inhale* What is this? Anyway, thanks oppa *eyes widen*

Hoseok: It's ok *chuckle* Let's go to my home.

I nodded.

Xena: Can I call my grandpa?

He nodded and I take his phone and dial the number.


Xena: Grandpa, it's me.

Grandpa: Ohhh hi. I am sleeping that's why.

Xena: Whatever. Anyway! I will be at Hoseok's house for---

Grandpa: Hoseok as in that officer?

Xena: Yeah.



Hoseok cough and his eyes and face was pink.

Hoseok: H-hello grandpa.

Grandpa: Oh hi, Hosuck.

Xena: Grandpa, it's Hoseok. *chuckle*

Grandpa: Ahh sorry sorry. My memory is not good. Anyway, take care of her and I know she will sleep there tonight so make sure to use that.

Xena: Really grandpa?

Grandpa: Sorry. My jokes are not good nowadays.

I turn the speaker off and said

Xena: Grandpa, my heart ache.

Grandpa: What?

Xena: Yeah it did. And it happen when I reject the offer of Hoseok. What is that grandpa?

Grandpa: Ohh. I think Angel wants you to be with Hoseok. For the partner and the other one is you will know later.

Xena: Ok. Thanks grandpa. Anyway, I think the heart don't belong to Angel. It feels so weird.

Grandpa: What nonsense are you saying? Stop it. Now let's stop this conversation. I want to sleep.

Xena: Ok grandpa. Eat the medicine before you eat, ok?

Grandpa: Ok. Love you.

Xena: Love you too.

The phone ended and we got there.

Xena: Thanks Hoseok.

Hoseok: Your welcome.

*After a while*


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