I downloaded a demon?!

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I opened the side door and instantly went on the defensive. The reason? My grandma’s 120 pound great dane puppy, Zeus, came bounding at me snarling. Most great danes are actually nice, that’s why their referred to as gentle giants, but not Zeus, well at least to me he isn’t.

                “ZEUS!” I yell as I bring around my backpack in a wide arc, wiggling my foot out of my shoe at the same time.

Zeus, being the happy go lucky idiot dog, insulting to dogs yes, but it was true with this one, he thought I was playing with him, so he bit onto my shoulder strap and started to tug. After countless experiences with this little ‘game’, I knew how to handle the situation. When he tugged on the strap, I tilted forward with the force and picked up my shoe. The damn dog actually understood that the shoe meant that I wasn’t playing around, so of course he let go, and that sent me tumbling backwards, out the door.

I grumbled in annoyance and got back up, “Damn dog.” I muttered under my breath as I closed the door behind me and took off my other shoe so I wouldn’t track any mud into the house. Grandma’s house was neat, pristine and immaculate, all thanks to me. My parents are no longer living, so I went to the closest relative that would take me, that was my mother’s mother, Bev. Unluckily for me though, my dad’s mother hated my mom, and her mother, so she challenged Bev for custody of me when I was six, and unfortunately she won. For some though, the thought of living with their grandparent is enjoyable, if it’s the right grandparent, or heck, a grandparent that actually liked you. Though my grandpa, when he was still alive, actually liked me.

I walked into my room and placed my shoes on the mat next to my laundry hamper, and my backpack on my small writing desk. My room is described as cozy, I think of it as suffocating and impersonal. It was 9 feet wide by 9 feet long and 8 feet tall, white like everything else in the house, and was all in perfect order. My bed rested on top of a simple frame that you couldn’t see because of the slip that rested between the mattress and the box spring. A four draw dresser stood about three feet high, it didn’t hold any clothes except socks and underwear, all seven pairs of each, two of which I wasn’t allowed to where unless it was a wedding or formal event. Mostly it held the three pairs of shoes I had, my laptop, and the one hat I owned that grandma didn’t know about, and a few other supplies, a broken TV/computer monitor rested on top of it, a gift from grandma. I had a small writing desk next to my dresser that also next to the doorway, I say doorway because it didn’t have a door. Grandma made me take it off the week I moved in said that useless little boys weren’t allowed privileges like doors.

I had a hamper that was next to my closet where I had most of my clothes and hung my backpack, it did have a door on it, grandma said that a room without a closet door wasn’t a room at all, if that makes since to you, please explain it to me. Inside my closet hung my seven shirts, three short sleeves, all of one solid color: black, grey, and dark blue. I had two long sleeve shirts, grey and dark brown, and one formal long sleeve shirt that was a dark maroon. I only had four pairs of blue jeans, and one pair of black slacks. A dark grey tie hung on a nail in the back wall, my backpack is supposed to hang next to it when I was done with homework.

On the far wall was a window that was three feet wide and five feet tall, it was my only source of cool air when it got warm since the air conditioning didn’t blow into this room, it was also my only source of light. I couldn’t use the overhead fan or light for cooling or lighting, it was broken and grandma said that I couldn’t fix it. She wouldn’t let me get a desk lamp either, she said that I was supposed to have my homework done by 8, if not then I was out of luck.

I knew I should at least be grateful that I had a room to myself, but hey, what can I say, I’m human. I look at the doorway and find Zeus looking in at me, his big dopey eyes wide open and drooping slightly. he barks and then walks off. Damn dog. I miss Apollo, grandma’s last great dane, he was great.

I downloaded a demon?!Where stories live. Discover now