A Promise

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This is a Jasher oneshot.

Joshua tells Asher his biggest secret, unsure of how his friend will react. He finds out just how loyal Asher really is. Told from a single POV.

Joshua POV

I had decided that it was about time I was honest with Asher. After everything we'd been through together, I felt really bad for keeping this from him.

I figured that it probably wouldn't be a big deal. Asher had always been there in my time of need. If anything, if gave me the confidence to finally tell him.

Whilst taking a break in between shooting scenes, I walked over to Asher. This was going to be an important moment for me.

Me: Asher, are you free?

Asher: Yeah, what's up?

Me: I think we need to have a talk.

Asher: About what?

Me: It's sort of personal... Can we go somewhere private and discuss it?

Asher: Sure.

We walked off set and into one of the free rooms. I shut the door, as I didn't want anyone else to hear this. When I was ready, I started.

Me: We've become really close friends, haven't we?

Asher: You bet we have!

Me: It isn't fair for me to lie to you any more.

Asher: You've been lying to me?

Me: Please don't take it out of context, allow me to at least explain it first.

Asher: Okay, so what is it?

Me: I wanted to let you know that... I'm bisexual.

I said it, to my best friend and my heart felt as if it was doing flips. I had done something that I never thought I would be able to.

Asher: Is that it?

Me: Yeah.

Asher: Everything is cool, nothing has changed dude.

Me: Thank you.

Asher: You don't need to thank me. Does anyone else know?

Me: No, just you.

Asher: I'm really the only one?

Me: Yes, and I'm so glad I told you.

Asher: So am I.

Asher gave me a hug and I allowed myself to be held, knowing that my best friend supported me. When we pulled apart, he was smiling.

Me: You okay?

Asher: I'm just... so proud of you for telling me. I'm quite flattered that you would tell me this.

Me: Now I've told you, I feel like the biggest weight has been lifted off of my shoulders.

Asher: Good, so do you know any nice boys?

Me: One or two.

Asher: Well, I'm sure whoever you end up with will be the luckiest guy in the world.

Could he be any sweeter? I had found that my confidence had grown to such an extent that I forgot that I was ever shy.

I hope you enjoyed reading.

Jyrus Oneshots - Part IV (COMPLETED)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt