Partnered Up

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For a school assignment, Cyrus and Jonah are paired up together. They aren't friends as they don't know each other well at the beginning.

The Good Hair Crew had walked into their history class with smiles on their faces. They had been making jokes at each other, which had put them in happy moods.

Taking their seats, the teacher, Mr Fort, walked in and began the lesson. Everyone was giving their full attention.

Mr Fort: So class, we are going to be doing an assignment on The Stone Age. For this you will be paired up with one of your classmates.

Andi and Buffy were delighted when they were partnered together, but Cyrus became nervous, as it meant he would be working with someone different.

Mr Fort: Cyrus Goodman, you will work with Jonah Beck.

Jonah: Okay sir.

Cyrus: Yes sir.

Buffy and Andi noticed that Cyrus was freaking out. This was going to be a completely new experience for him.

Buffy: Calm down, everything will be fine.

Andi: You may find out you quite like Jonah.

Cyrus: But he never talks to me, how do you think this will work?

Andi: Relax, just give him a chance.

Buffy: I don't think he'll be horrible to you.

Cyrus: I guess I should go and sit with him.

Andi: Absolutely! Show him how confident you are.

Buffy: Give yourself more credit.

Cyrus: You know something? I'm going to do just that!

Andi and Buffy looked on with pride as Cyrus walked over to join Jonah. As he took his seat, Cyrus looked at Jonah and was greeted with a smile.

Cyrus: We haven't really been introduced yet so... Hi, I'm C-Cyrus.

Jonah: Hello, I'm Jonah. Nice to meet you.

Cyrus: I'm a little bit nervous about this.

Jonah: Don't be nervous dude, it's just a history assignment.

Cyrus: I know, I meant that I'm nervous about working with you.

That made Cyrus cringe internally, he didn't mean for it to come out that way, but he felt that he had to clear his mind.

Jonah: Do you not like me?

Cyrus: No... I mean... Yes! I just... don't really know you.

Jonah: Oh I see. Don't worry about that, I won't do anything horrible.

Cyrus felt that his worries were going away, but then he looked over to the girls, who were signalling for him to keep talking to Jonah.

Cyrus: I'm sure... You seem hot... I mean nice! I mean... Ugh, sorry.

Jonah: You think I'm hot?

Cyrus: It depends.

Jonah: On what?

Cyrus: If that would offend you.

Jonah: It wouldn't.

Cyrus: In that case, I think you're hot.

Jonah: This is becoming a date, isn't it?

Cyrus didn't know what he could say as a reply, but Buffy and Andi were nodding, which made him catch on.

Cyrus: Only if you want it to be.

Jonah: That sounds great. I think this will be the start of something really special.

Cyrus: Me too, partner.

Jonah: Docious Magocious, partner.

Cyrus: What does that mean?

Jonah: It just means awesome.

Cyrus smiled and Jonah smiled back, whilst the girls looked on, feeling very proud of Cyrus for finally showing some confidence.

Thank you for reading.

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