But I Like Him Too - Part 2

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Cyrus has to reason with TJ and decide whether or not he wants to go out with Jonah. Told from a single POV.

Cyrus POV

I have to say, previously I would've been happy to have TJ and Jonah fighting over me for my affection. In this situation, I hated that fact.

Me: TJ, I wish you'd calm down. If you cared about me, you would trust me.

TJ: Whatever.

Then I looked at Jonah, and after so long having a crush on him, I didn't know if it was a good idea to date him, even though now was probably the best chance I would ever had.

Me: And Jonah, I'm flattered. Trust me, I've wanted this for ages.

Jonah: Really Cyrus?

Me: Yes, but I need to think about what I want to do. My mind is overflowing with thoughts.

Jonah: I can understand that.

Me: And just to be clear, TJ and I aren't dating.

TJ: Well that's true now. I think I wasted my time on this. Watch out Jonah, or he'll dump you too.

As TJ went away, I felt my head clear and everything was starting to make sense to me. Jonah was waiting next to where I was.

Jonah: So, I just want to know. Do I have a chance with you?

I knew he was going to ask that question. And I also realised that it was only natural that he would want to know the answer. It didn't take me long to give him a response.

Me: You do, and I only have one regret.

Jonah: What is that?

Me: I should've told you how I felt, we could have avoided all of this.

Jonah: It's not your fault. I should've told you too, and maybe we could already be dating.

I saw Andi and Buffy in the distance, and it looked like they were trying to tell me something. We walked over to them.

Andi: So, you've dumped TJ.

Me: Yep, I have.

Buffy: Are you going out with Jonah now then?

Me: Not yet.

Jonah: But maybe soon, at least I hope it'll be soon Cyrus.

Me: You know, I never did this to TJ, but I think the time is now right.

Jonah: What are you talking about?

I was feeling a bit mischievous and kissed Jonah. It was very quick because I didn't want to draw attention to us. I saw the smile that spread across his face.

Me: That was my first kiss Jonah.

Jonah: It was?

Me: Yes, and I hope we can do that more often.

Jonah: Will you be my boyfriend?

Me: I just kissed you, yet you feel the need to ask that?

Jonah: I'm making sure that I haven't misunderstood what's happening.

Me: You haven't, and yes I will be your boyfriend.

Andi: Yay!

Buffy: This is meant to last!

I could hear the girls chuckling. As I stared into Jonah's eyes, I could feel my mind once again overflowing, but this time, it was with purely my love for Jonah.

This was so much fun to write.

Thank you for reading.

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