05. The Witch

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Ariel's POV

We have been with this 'woman' for more than 15 minutes and they have yet to say anything more to each other when it's blatantly obvious that there is something between them; or there was in the past.

I am still reeling from the fact that she came out of fucking nowhere, parted the trees in the forrest as if she is some kind of female Jesus. Samual didn't even bat an eye and apparently he is way older than I first thought.

I might be a little slow but it's starting to dawn on me that I am not in some weird dream and waiting to wake up. I also don't like the fact that I feel so disgusting and this woman is some kind of walking super model. How can someone be this perfect, doesn't she live in the woods?

I am competing for no one's attention but no woman wants to feel disgusting next to someone who looks like she is a wet dream of every single guy on the planet. I don't even know how someone like her exists, she is the mix of everything perfect. Legit she could be the perfect woman for so many guys, and women as well.

Her skin is somehow shinning as if she is wearing the most natural but expensive highlighter, you know the ones that cost your month's rent but it's the one all of the starts use on the red carpet. At the same time her eyes are the most unique mix of gold, brown and green; I swear on my first born that at one point they glowed a weird lilac as well. Let's not even get started on her long and thick dark blonde hair that is like autumn in hair form.

In short, this bitch is the most stunning human being I have ever seen in my life. I know the last thing I should be worrying about is my appearance but as it seems like I am not going to be getting any answers in the near future, I have to settle for anything to keep my mind from loosing it.

There are once again a million questions on the tip of my tongue but none of them can make it into the air when I look at either of my captors. Samuel is still holding onto my hand as if I have any chance of running off and the woman is leading us deeper into the forrest and god knows where.

I am the odd one out here since these two seem to know each other, maybe she is just as crazy as him. But then again, I did see her do something I cannot explain with my own eyes.

"I have no idea why you have decided to seek me out after so many years but I don't appreciate you bringing this mere human into my space." the woman throws over her shoulder in an angry and bored tone.

"I wouldn't have brought her here if this wasn't an emergency, and also you know why I haven't been in touch with you. Couldn't exactly text you or did I want to after you lied to me." Samuel replies and there is no sign of the soft tone he used on me this morning. There is some serious history between these two and like an idiot I want to hear everything they have to say.

You can't blame me for wanting to have some sort of entertainment while I figure out what the fuck I am going to do.

"This conversation has been decades over due and you want to have it now in front of this girl?" She asks once again but this time there is no way to miss the gaze full of hate she sends my way.

"We said everything that needed to be said decades ago, just because you didn't get your way doesn't mean we didn't have this conversation." Samuel replies and I have to say that I am a little impressed on how well he is holding his ground. On the other hand if we are here to ask this woman for help, then maybe he shouldn't be arguing with her?

"You know me better than that and I know you better than some stupid conversation that Gregory told you to have with me." I don't know this woman but even I can tell that she is getting properly angry and if she is some kind of witch then I do not want to be on her bad side.

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