twenty questions.

902 59 68

this chapter will be a sequence of the texts from lee jeno and na jaemin throughout the day.

sent saturday 7:50 am

jeno: hi, this is na jaemin, right?

jaemin: na jaemin? i dont recognize that name. they must have given you the wrong number 😔

read 7:56 am

jeno: oh, okay. im sorry i bothered you

jaemin: dumbass

jaemin: lmao

jaemin: im just messin with u

jaemin: its nice to hear from u jeno :)

jeno: haha, very funny 😴 at least now i know its u. what's up?

jaemin: nothing much, decided to rest at home all day. hbu?

jeno: im not doing much either, im about to head out.

jaemin: really? do u work today? 👀

jeno: i'll be going to work later, right now im heading to a dance studio ☺

jaemin: omg, lee jeno dances O_O thats quite a shock, u didnt strike me as a dancer type

jaemin: i thought u go around beating people up or smthng

jeno: love how you think im some thug cuz i drive around with a motorcycle and you cuaght me with weed just once 😐

jaemin: i mean

jaemin: if it makes u feel better i think its super hot that u own one. it definitely fits u

jeno: thanks i feel a lot better 😩

jaemin: no problem cutie ;)

jeno: as i said before, not interested

jaemin: i cant call u cutie? ur no fun.

jaemin: how about qt?

jaemin: or fine ass jeno

jeno: im--

jeno: ur smthng else jaemin.

jaemin: i know ;)))

jaemin: i wanna get to know u more, u seem so mysterious

jeno: i can say the same about u, jaemin

jeno: i mean i can already tell ur a clumsy fool

jaemin: ??

jeno: u left ur ugly ass coat with me

jaemin: first off

jaemin: how dare u

jaemin: second off im sorry for leaving it, i clearly wasnt in my head yesterday

jeno: its fine dont worry

jeno: maybe we can meet up tmrw and i can give it to u then

read 8:02 am


sent 8:04 am

jaemin: ofc

jaemin: but first

jaemin: i wanna get to know u more

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