NaNo - Day 27

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Author's Note: I APPARENTLY GOT MY NUMBERS WRONG. Sorry. This one wad actually supposed to be Day 27. ;) //
- Vasilisa -

Vasi woke up the next morning to an empty room.  Fear immediately wrapped around her heart like a serpent, squeezing the life out of her.  She shot up and blinked a few times, her eyes adjusting to the dark room.  Alessio must have drawn the blackout curtains behind the regular ones.  His apartment was definitely still a man's apartment, but she had added touches of decoration here and there to make it be a bit more like a home.  Her most recent acquisition was a print from the Museum of Modern Art of Van Gogh's famous "Starry Night" painting.  Alessio found a frame for it and hung it above the center of the couch.


There was no answer.  Terror tightened around her heart, and all calm left her.


The door opened, and he stepped inside.  His eyes focused on her for only a moment before scanning the room.  Once he seemed satisfied that there wasn't a threat, he closed the distance between them and sat on the edge of the mattress.  One of his hands came up to brush the hair out of her eyes and tuck it behind her ear.  She caught his hand before he could completely withdraw it.

"I thought you'd left," Vasi muttered.

"And I thought you were in trouble by the sound of your voice."

"I was shocked you weren't here."

"I was getting some breakfast," Alessio said, pulling his hand away. "You need to eat.  We're going to the gym."

"The...gym?  Why?" Her eyes widened.

"I need to teach you some basic self-defense.  I can't believe I've waited this long to do it."

"Why?  Is there a problem?" She tried and failed to keep the tremor from her voice.

"A bigger one than we're already in?  No, I don't think so." He shrugged. "But for my peace of mind, I need to know you can look after yourself should something happen."

"I'm not exactly much of a threat." Vasi gripped her upper arms.

"That's what you want them to think," he said, standing. "Come on.  Let's get some protein in you, then we'll be on our way."

She did as he asked.  Vasi changed into a sports bra, leggings, and a loose-fitting top before they left the apartment.  She thought he meant an actual gym at a separate location, but instead he led the way to the apartment complex's facility.  It was shockingly empty.  Vasi studied her form in the mirror for a few seconds...and it must've been a couple seconds too long, for Alessio noticed.

"There's nothing about you that needs changing," he said, hanging up a punching bag like it was no heavier than a sack of flower. "If that's what you're thinking."

Vasi shifted her weight from one foot to the other. "Maybe."

He beckoned her toward him with his hand.  When she stood before him, he pulled her closer still and closed his hand around her fist.  With the patience of an elementary school teacher, Alessio calmly explained to her how to hold her hand to form a proper fist.  Where she should aim.  Different styles of punches.  How far back she needed to bring her arm to increase the strength behind her punch.

"You're small and quick.  You need to use that to your advantage," Alessio said. "Your opponent's strength can also be his weakness—too many muscles can be cumbersome."

She nodded, pulled her hair from her falling ponytail, and twisted everything into a bun at the base of her head. "What's next?"

Alessio wrapped her knuckles tightly with tape, doing the same to himself. "You're going to punch the bag."

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