NaNo - Day 24

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- Vasilisa -

Ryan and Allen picked them up the next morning in the Jeep.  They were already riling each other up as she and Alessio climbed into the backseat.  She didn't know what to call them—by their first or last names?  Alessio used their surnames, but was that an Army-restricted thing, or should she be doing it, too?  Alessio must have sensed her confusion, for he took her hand in his and squeezed it.

"So, how was last night?  Is your dog going to have a new friend in nine months?"

"Shut up, McCoy." Alessio glared at him through the rearview mirror, much to Ryan's enjoyment.  He couldn't stop laughing, his attempts at stifling the reaction almost sounding like he had a piece of food stuck in the back of his throat. "Did you woo your wife by talking like that?"

"No, but I've also never seen the immoveable Hero squirm at anything."

"'Hero?'" Vasi looked up at Alessio. "That was your nickname?"

"It doesn't fit," Alessio responded without looking at her.

"'It doesn't fit,' he says," Ryan teased. "He earned it at basic training.  A piece of equipment was about to fall on someone, and he pulled the guy out of the way in the nick of time.  Big bugger, probably could've caused permanent damage if not for your quick-acting husband here."

"I did what anyone would've done in the same situation," Alessio said.

"Yeah, maybe, but you're the only one that did." Since they were at a stoplight, Ryan turned so he could look at them.  His eyes traveled to their joined hands, and he grinned and shook his head. "What do you have to say about that, Sarge?  Hero's going soft."

He's anything but soft, Vasi thought but didn't voice.

"Just making sure neither of you gets any brilliant ideas," Alessio said.  He quickly kissed her cheek, causing her to blush. "Just marking my territory."

"What do you like to be called?" Vasi found her voice.  If she was going to get to know these two men, she at least needed to know their preferred names.

"What do you mean, sweetheart?" Ryan drawled out, Alessio giving him a good whack on the back of the head for that. The man grunted and rubbed behind his neck. "See what I mean, Vasilisa?  Abusive."

"Both of us will respond to our first or last names, so you can use whichever's easier for you," Allen said with a smile. "I know a few guys named 'Ryan,' and more named 'Allen.'  If you want an immediate response from either of us, last name would be best."

"Mallory and McCoy, then," Vasi said with a smile.

"At your service." McCoy gave her a mock salute.

"Where are we going, exactly?" Alessio asked.

"Figured you two would like some breakfast before heading over to Lackland."

"That doesn't answer my question."

"We're going to a San Antone classic called Bill Miller.  There's a restaurant not too far from the AFB."

AFB?  Vasi frowned.

"Air Force Base," Alessio muttered.

She smiled up at him in silent thanks.

Alessio shifted so he could pull his iPhone from his back pocket.  It hadn't escaped her notice that he'd left his burner phone in their hotel room.  It was a relief for her.  Alessio had assured her that the Flight didn't operate in this area of Texas, so it was unlikely he'd need to be contacted.  Their main Texas operations were in Houston, and since the attempt on his life, he now played a less active role in the daily running of the organization.  He didn't have to be in New York, and they didn't have to have him near to make decisions.  She trusted Alessio and what he had to say.  If he said they were safe in San Antonio, they were safe.

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