NaNo - Day 25

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- Vasilisa - 

It took an extra day for Dash to be checked out with the vet, but Vasilisa didn't mind. She and Alessio were able explore San Antonio a bit, including the Alamo. While Vasi didn't know anything about Texas, she felt a great sense of state pride as they walked the grounds. Alessio kept checking his phone, and he had to take a couple phone calls for work, but he was never far. Vasi almost asked about going to the amusement park she'd seen advertised in a pamphlet at their hotel, but the disapproving look that briefly crossed Alessio's face made her reconsider. He must not have liked roller coasters for some reason; she decided it would be better not to question him on it. Especially because after his conversation with McCoy the other day, he had a far firmer one with the man earlier in the morning. He did not call the VA like he said he would, which led to Alessio and Mallory teaming up on him to make do so. McCoy had released a colorful collection of swears that made Vasilisa's eyes widen. Mallory even released a couple during that interaction, but Alessio kept his language clean.

Had he been that way even in the Army—as polite and considerate? Somehow, she found it hard to believe, considering the two men she'd met. Mallory didn't treat either man like his subordinates. They were brothers; or at least, that was Vasilisa's interpretation. Until Alessio, Vasi wasn't sure she had someone like that in her life. Who would look out for her, defend her, and make her do what's best for her even if she didn't want to. Uncle Thaddeus was too busy with his own family, and her other aunts and uncles were just too far away for her to know them past their names. Besides Aunt Evangeliya, who'd recently moved out of Vasi's grandparents' house. She was taking classes, too, although more than Vasilisa. It was hard to believe how far she'd come—from barely being able to get out of bed to living on her own. Nearby, yes, but still in her own apartment and being in control of her own life. Vasi suspected Uncle Thaddeus probably had something to do with it, but he'd never said anything, and neither had Vasi ever asked.

After they picked up Dash, they drove the short distance to McCoy's house for dinner. His wife had invited them, since Vasi, Alessio, and Mallory were all leaving the next day. The vacation was too short. For a few days, Vasilisa had been able to pretend that she and Alessio had a normal marriage. No gunshots. No blood. No disposing of dead bodies or worrying that Alessio wouldn't be coming home to her. She liked this life a lot more than what they were forced to live in New York.

The McCoys had a nice house. Two stories made of red brick with a carefully manicured lawn and trees shaped like raindrops. A white porch rapped around the front of the building with three matching rocking chairs creaking slightly in the breeze. Dash sniffed them out of curiosity but shot to Alessio's side as soon as he called the dog. Alessio was about to knock on the door, but it swung inward to reveal McCoy's blond head and grinning face.

"Thanks for stopping by!"

"Thank you for inviting us," Vasi said with a smile. She gave Dash a scratch on the head.

"Come on in." McCoy stepped out of the way. "The neighbors have the kids, so grown-ups only."

"That wasn't necessary," Alessio said, shaking his hand.

"They like to scream." McCoy shivered. "I love my kids, but didn't anyone ever tell them that being quiet a good thing."

"Isn't that your job as their dad?" Mallory appeared from the living room. He greeted both Alessio and Vasi with a nod.

"Am I a quiet person?"

"No," Mallory and Alessio responded at once.

"So how could I be expected to teach them the virtue of silence?"

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