NaNo - Day 8

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- Vasilisa -

Her grandfather was sitting behind his desk when they entered, writing on what resembled a report with a newspaper sitting open beside him.  Vasi immediately felt like she was a little girl who'd been called into the principal's office for purposely spitting gum into someone's hair.  It had only happened once, and it was before Andrei and Leila had adopted her.  She'd been very bitter back then, a troublemaker if there'd ever been one until she'd grown older.  When she realized her behavior might play a role in being adopted, Vasi had immediately changed...and had still been overlooked.  Up until Andrei and Leila, and she'd sworn she'd do right by them and make them proud to have adopted her.

Estevan hadn't looked up from his work, despite their presence in the room.  Alessio cleared his throat to get the older man's attention, but he didn't acknowledge Alessio.  For the quickest of moments, she felt Alessio tense beside her.  Vasi squeezed his hand. "Papou?"

Finally, he turned his attention to them instead of his papers.  How he could be so rude to Alessio, Vasilisa couldn't understand. "You wanted to talk to us?" she prompted.

"Yes, I did, although I requested Alessio.  Alone." Estevan raised a brow.  When he saw their hands clasped together, his face changed to one of displeasure.

"I'm going nowhere," Vasi said.

"Fine, then." Her grandfather hesitated. "Why did Thaddeus choose you?"

"Your guess is as good as mine." Alessio shrugged.  He seemed unbothered by Estevan's gaze, but Vasi could see the nerve rising and falling in his temple as he clenched his jaw.

"And why did he choose you so soon after the mockery of a relationship my naïve granddaughter got herself into?"

"He thought I could keep her safe," Alessio said.

"Which he's done," Vasi added, not looking up at Alessio when he glanced at her. "Papou, he's cared for me so very selflessly.  He's even paid for me to return to my courses."

"If you're in school, then, why are you here?"

"They're online classes; I can still work on them when I'm here," Vasi said.

"You definitely married above your station, Sergeant Milani," Estevan said coldly.

"I'm not denying it, sir," Alessio replied, keeping his voice even. "I'm lucky."

"Did you use your GI benefits to pursue a degree when you left the service?"

"I earned an associate's degree.  The lack of a four-year degree hasn't affected my career, at least not at Marcon."

"I thought we raised you better." Estevan shook his head.

"With all due respect, sir, I was only with you for a year." Vasi heard the smallest of tremors in his voices as he restrained his temper. "Furthermore, a degree does not define a person's worth."

"How can you properly care for my granddaughter without a degree?  An employee with a bachelor's earns far more than one without.  Our granddaughter expects certain...luxuries in life."

"Papou—" Vasi interjected.

"Don't say a word; I'll get to you in a minute."

"I would appreciate it if you did not speak to my wife in such a manner," Alessio said.

"She's my granddaughter; I can speak to her however I'd like."

"That isn't how it works anymore.  You are no longer her guardian; I am, and I will not stand for disrespecting her or me."

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