Chapter 16

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Kirishima's POV

I woke up, surprised to feel cold. I normally wake up to Katsuki's warmth, because his quirk just makes him warm. It's really nice. I lie in bed, imagining Katsuki was holding me. Suddenly, the balcony door opens. Suki must've been outside.

I feel the bed shift, and someone wraps their arms around me. It's cold.

"Hey, Kiri." I hear Katsuki whisper in my ear. He normally calls me Eiji...

"Hey, Suki." I whisper back, turning around to face him. I stare at his face tiredly, then push my face into his chest, taking in his scent.


Why does he smell like... blood?

"Sorry I wasn't in bed, I got up to get a breath of fresh air." he said. I nod my head. Something's off.

"Oh, that's fine. How's your head? You must have a headache after last night." I ask. He tilts his head. "What happened last night?" Well, it makes sense that he doesn't remember. He was drunk as shit. "Mina put vodka instead of water in your cup, and you thought it was just weird tasting water, so you drank most of it. And it was a pretty big cup, too." I explain. Suki looks at me without emotion. Creepy...

"Anyways, what do you wanna do today? It's Sunday." he asks. I think for a moment. "Maybe we can go shopping or out for lunch?" I suggest. He nods, smiling. We both sit up and get ready for the day. "I'm gonna use the bathroom." Suki says. I nod my head, looking in a drawer he has for specifically my clothing. Although I normally wear Suki's clothing instead.

I notice a pen on the nightstand. Now that Suki and I have been spending so much time together, we don't really write to each other anymore. I grab the pen, planning something really cute. I draw flowers and vines all over my arm, completely designing it. Then I put the pen back and pull one of Suki's hoodies over my head to cover them.

Katsuki walks back out of the bathroom, wearing the same short sleeve as he was yesterday. I glance down at his arm, looking to see the doodles I put on my own arm. Then I come to a realization.

The drawings aren't there.

This isn't Katsuki.

I smile the best I can, hoping that I didn't look suspicious. "Something up?" he... they ask, sitting beside me on the bed. "'Cause, y'know, Kiri..." they leans in close, enough for me to smell the scent of blood on them. "You can tell me anything. Even your deepest secrets." they place their hand on my hand, gripping it a little too tightly. I feel myself tense up, jew clenched and shoulders strained. I tried my best not to shake, but I think I am. They notice, taking their hand off mine. They smile and stand up.

"I'm gonna get some breakfast downstairs. Wanna come?" they ask, looking at me while walking towards the door. I nod, quickly standing up and following. I can't let them be with everyone.

We get to the common area, walking into the kitchen. I trudged behind the... clone? They open the fridge and open it, taking out a carton of eggs. I sit at the island next to Midoriya and Todoroki.

"Hey, Kirishima! What's up?" Midoriya asks, smiling. The clone turns at the sound of his voice, then goes back to cracking the eggs in the frying pan. They must be making scrambled eggs. Katsuki loved making that for me.

"I'm doing alright, what about you?" I respond. He shrugs. "Eh, I could be better. My training has been going pretty well, but I'm definitely lacking in some areas." I nod, at least trying to pretend that everything is fine. The clone sets some plates out for me, Mirdoriya, and Todoroki, then goes back to the stove to clean up. Midoriya blinks a couple of times, confused. "Did Kacchan just... serve me breakfast?" he whispers to Todoroki, earning a shrug from the peppermint haired boy. He picks up a fork and eats the food, followed by Todoroki. I do too, eating the whole plate.

Suddenly, I start getting really tired. Weird. I quietly groan while holding my head, resting my arm on table. "Are you feeling ok, Kirishima?" I nod, "Yeah, I just got really tired all of a sudden. Although I've been sleeping fine for the past few weeks, so it's kinda weird." I respond. He hums, holding his chin while thinking. "You wanna go back to my room to lie down?" the clone asks, resting their arms on the tabletop. I really don't want to be alone with them in a room anymore. "No, I'll be fine." I say, standing up from the seat. "Actually, I just remembered I have to talk to Mina-" I start before tripping on air. The clone catches me, then giggles slightly. "I think you should get some rest." they say. Shit. "Yeah Kirishima, maybe you should wait to talk to Mina. Besides, you have the whole day to do that!" Midoriya says. I look over at Todoroki and give him a distressed look. He seems to understand and jumps into the conversation. "What if they need to talk urgently?" he asks, looking at Midoriya. "Oh, I guess you could be right." he says, looking back at the clone. They look at the two boys, then sighs. "Fine, whatever. Just don't go passing out or anything." they say, letting go of me. They walk to the counter and pick up a plate of food, then walks to the dining area. As soon as they leave, Todoroki runs up to me. "What was that about? Why'd you give me that look?" he asks concernedly. I shake my head. "That's not Katsuki." I whisper, careful not to be too loud. "Wait, what?" Midoriya asks, now a part of the conversation. "What do you mean that's not Kacchan?? He looks just... like..." he runs off, eyes widening. "Oh no." he says. "What? What is it, Izu?" Todoroki asks, placing his hand on his arm. "I know exactly who that is."

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