Chapter 13

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Bakugou's POV

"O-Oh shit! Sorry, I wasn't- I didn't really- arrrGG!" I stuttered out, frustrated because I couldn't explain myself. "Pfft, it's fine, Bakugou." Kirishima said, smiling at me. "I didn't really mind." "O-Oh." I said. We sat in silence once again, but now it's awkward. Hhhhhhhhhh-

"So, does this mean we're, like... dating, or something?" I asked. He looked at me, a little surprised. "I-I mean, yeah? 'Cause that's how it works, right?" he asked. I shrugged. "I've never actually been in a relationship before. Everyone just wants to be with their soulmate, so nobody really does any random dating." "Damn."


"So, do you want to be my boyfriend?" he asks. "Yes." I say immediately without even thinking. I mean, I would love to. I'm speaking my damn mind.

Kirishima smiles at me with his signature toothy grin. He wraps his arms around my torso and pulls me closer. I hug him back, enjoying the embrace we were in. So much for not caring about my soulmate, huh?

~ Time Skip ~

It's been a few months since Eijirou and I found out we were soulmates. We eventually told everyone in class, seeing as we would always be kissing and cuddling and stuff. We got dorms, so now we're even closer.

Eijirou's dad was arrested for child abuse, naturally. His mother wasn't found to have broken any crimes, so she's still in custody of Eijirou. But the dorms kind of fixes that problem.

But besides that, we've been happy. We've even started calling each other by our first names, and giving each other nicknames. Everything's finally become peaceful. Eiji is better, both mentally and physically. I want everything to stay exactly like this, forever. Of course, I know that eventually we'll graduate and stuff. But I want to savor these moments for as long as possible.

Currently, Eiji and I are cuddling in my room. We're just watching some movies on my laptop, since it's the weekend and we have nothing to do. I pull out my phone, checking the time. It's 3:47, meaning the day is getting a little close to ending. "You wanna do something?" I ask, looking down at the cinnamon roll in my lap. He leans his head back, thinking for a moment. "I don't know, kind of. What do you suggest?" he asks. "Oh, I know! Let's ask the gang if they wanna hangout with us! We can play games and stuff!" I jokingly groan. Eiji giggles. "So, what do you say?" "Fine. But we aren't hanging out in my room. We can go somewhere else." he nods and grabs his phone.

Red_Riot: Hey y'all! Suki and I are bored, you wanna hangout in someone's dorm?

Chargebolt: Bakugou wants to hangout with us for once? Hell yeah!

Alien.Queen: We can play games in my room!

TapeDispenser420: Your room is so girly, tho. But sure, I'm all up for it.

Red_Riot: Alright, when should we meet up?

Alien.Queen: N O W .

Red_Riot: Alright, we'll be there soon!"Mina said we can go over now." he said, turning back to me. "I know, I was watching you guys talk on my own phone, idiot." I respond. He smiles and kisses me on the check. "Alright, then let's go!" 

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