Chapter 14

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Bakugou's POV

Eiji and I finally got to Raccoon Eye's dorm room, Dunce Face and Tape Dispenser walking up at the same time as us. Turns out they're soulmates, too, and found out on the first day of classes. Seems like almost everyone in our class has found their soulmates. Eijirou knocks on the door, which is immediately opened by a pink faced girl. "Heyyyy! Come on in, I've got tons of stuff for us to do!" she said, running back into the room. We enter, seeing tons of snacks and bottles of soda neatly organized on the table. "Ok, we can either play truth or dare or we can play some Xbox!" Mine said, holding cups. "By the way, what do you guys want to drink?" "Coke!" Pikachu yelled out. "Root beer, please!" Eiji says. "I'll just have some water." said Tape Dispenser. "Me, too." I say.

No One's POV

Mina places the cups onto the table and pour out the sodas for Kirishima and Kaminari. She hands them to them, then picked up the other cups to get water. However, Mina had a trick up her sleeve. She planned on giving someone who asked for water vodka instead. He decided on Sero, because if Bakugou was drunk it'd be hell. She pours the vodka into one cup and puts water into the other. Silently, she hides the bottle of vodka in a cabinet. Walking back to the group, she places the cups on the table. Sero and Bakugou walk over the table and grab one of the cups each.

Bakugou's POV

We all sat in a circle, just talking about things. Really unimportant things that I could care less about. I take a sip of my water, quickly noticing how weird it tastes. I keep drinking it, though, since I don't feel like complaining about it. "Ok guys! Let's play truth or dare!" Pink face yells out.

We play for about an hour. We do a bunch of stupid shit, like making Pikachu run around the dorm building in nothing but underwear and Kirishima doing a handstand for as long as possible, that being around 6 minutes. I keep drinking from my water, taking small sips at a time, because for some reason everytime I took a large sip it would hurt my throat.

Kirishima's POV

"Oi, Tape Dispenser, does your water taste weird, too?" Katsuki asks, looking over to Sero. "Hm? No, does yours? Lemme see it." Sero asks, taking the cup from Katsuki. He takes one sip and immediately starts choking on it. "DUDE. This is fucking vodka!" he says, laughing. Bakugou's face instantly shifts to shock, then anger. We all look at Mina, who's holding in a laugh. "W-Whoops." she mumbles out. Katsuki groans, then rests his head against my shoulder.

His face is all red, probably from the drink. He drank most of the cup, which is probably around four or five shots. "You good, Suki?" I ask him, earning nothing but mumbles from him. I sigh. He should probably should go to sleep. "I'm gonna take Katsuki back to our dorm. He should probably sleep or something." I say, standing up while dragging Suki with me. He groans, probably not wanting to stand. "Aww, but you just got here!" Kaminari whines. "Well, someone's gotta look after him. So, it's gonna be me." I say in response, slipping Suki's arm over my shoulders and holding it. "Ok... tell Bakugou when he's sober I'm sorry! That was totally meant for Sero!" Mina says. "Hey!!" Sero yells, sounding slightly offended. Suki and I walk out of the room, walking down the halls towards his room.

When we finally got inside the room, Katsuki gazed up at me. "Oi, shitty hair." he says. "Why are you so d-damn cute?" he stutters out, eyes narrowing. I giggle, looking down at him. I place him on the bed, then sit down next to him. He glances at me, staring straight into my eyes. "You have... realllllllly pretty eyes." he says, smile lopsided. Oh boy. "Um, thanks! But yours are prettier. Anyways, you should go to sleep-" "I don't wanna sleep." he says, almost like a pouting child. I gently place my hand on his check, holding his face in my hand. He leans into it, almost like a cat that wants attention.

Then I slip my hand to his forehead, pushing him down onto the bed. "Get some sleep, Katsuki." I say, slyly smiling at him. I suddenly remember that I left my phone in Mina's room, and stand up to get it. "I left my phone behind, I'll be right bAAAA-" I say, getting cut off by Katsuki pulling me down. I close my eyes for the impact, landing on the bed with a soft "oof". I open my eyes to see Katsuki sitting on top of me. Like, actually sitting on me. He was leaning over me, grinning widely. I sigh. "Suki, what are you doing?" I ask. He giggles a little more, then leans in.

He kisses me, but it's not really as passionate as other times we've kissed. This time, it was filled with nothing but lust. It was wet and sloppy, and honestly I shouldn't be letting Suki do this. He's probably not gonna remember any of this tomorrow. I place my hands on Katsuki's shoulders, trying to push him off of me, but he moves them away. Now I'm starting to get... scared. I harshly bit Katsuki's lip, causing him to gasp and remove his lips. He leans back and holds his lip. I hope I didn't make it bleed.

I quickly push Katsuki off the bed, startling him. He lands on his back, wincing in pain. I hold back tears, feeling kind of violated. Katsuki looks up at me from the floor. "What? Is something wrong?" he asks. I don't answer and just lie back down on the bed, facing away from him. I know he's drunk and he's not acting like he normally would, but I still felt scared. I hated it. I fall asleep on the bed, no Katsuki there to cuddle with me.

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