Chapter 11

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Kirishima's POV

The doctors have been talking for awhile. After listening, I learned that they didn't expect me to wake up so soon. They're a little concerned, but other than that I seem to be fine. They examined me for a bit, and explained to me the whole situation. After I got my injuries, I meet up with Bakugou in front of the school and then passed out with him. He dragged me to the hospital. Aww, Bakugou cares for another human being, I snickered in my head, holding in an actual one in real life. The doctors then told me that I'd be released from the hospital in a few days, just so they can make sure I'm all good. I'm ok with that, since that means I won't have to go home. My parents will be pissed that I haven't been home for so long, probably. Maybe they haven't even noticed that I was gone. That'd be nice.

~ Time Skip ~

Bakugou's POV

It's been a day since Kirishima woke up. My parents forced me to go back to school, and I almost didn't until Aizawa came in and told me that I had to go or I'd be expelled. I can't really afford to be kicked out of UA, so I agreed to go back. So today, I'm back in school. Everyone's looking at me weirdly, especially stupid Deku. I completely forgot he was in my class. God dammit. This sucks. I felt tingling on my arm.

Whatcha doin' in class?

Not sure. I zoned out for like 10 minutes straight.


Got me.

I thought you were gonna be the best student in 1-A? How are you gonna do that if you don't even listen in class?

Maybe I'd be able to focus if I wasn't writing on myself.

That's very true. I'll leave you to it, then. :)

Our conversation came to an end. I should probably start paying attention now, since I still have no idea what we're doing.

~ Time Skip ~

FINALLY! Classes are done for the day! It's about time, I was about to scream.

I decided to go to the hospital, since it was so close to school. I enter the lobby, signing in and made my way to Kirishima's room. I finally arrived, knocking on the door. I heard a faint "Come in!" come from inside. I opened the door, seeing Kirishima sitting on the bed, grinning. When is he not smiling?

"What's up, Bakubro?" he asked. I tilt my head. "Bakubro?" I respond. "What does that even mean?"

"Uh, I don't know." he said. "I just came up with it earlier. I think it's cool."

I frown. "It's stupid." Kirishima squints his eyes at me suspiciously, but like he's joking with me.

"Alright, whatever you say!" he says, going back to a smile.

We hold a conversation for a while, talking about our classmates and our futures of being pro heroes, or at least what we imagine.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Kirishima looked surprised. "Were you not expecting more visitors?" I ask. He nods. "Yeah, you were the only person I thought would come." he responds. "Um, come in!" The door slowly opens, and a man steps in. Kirishima's face completely drains of color, and his facial expression quickly turns from happiness to absolute fear.

Kirishima's POV

Why the hell is he here?? I thought he had forgotten about me or something!

"H-Hey, father!" I weakly say, shakily smiling. He glares at me, then turns to Bakugou. "Could you leave?" he asks. Bakugou glares back at him. Oh god. This is bad. They're both way too prideful. Neither of them are gonna listen to each other.

"H-Hey Bakugou, can you step out? It'll only be for a sec!" I say, hoping to convince him to leave. I really don't want them to fight. He looks at me, then sighs. "Fine. But I'm standing outside if you need me." he says, looking back at my dad and glaring again. He stands up and leaves, waiting in the hallway.

"Who the hell is that?" my dad asks. "H-He's just my friend from school, Bakugou." I respond. He walks closer to me. "Where have you been??" I feel myself shrink down, and I feel my smile shrink as well. "How did you even GET here?!" he asks more aggressively. "B-B-Bakugou helped me get here-" I say before being cut off immediately. He grabs me by the hair and pulls. I let out a cry of pain, reaching up to his arm in an attempt to make him let go. "WHAT DID YOU SAY TO HIM, FUCKER?! YOU BETTER NOT HAVE TOLD HIM ANYTHING, OR I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!!"

Suddenly, I hear the door swing open. Tons of pieces of fabric shoot at us, grabbing my dad and holding him back.

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