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Caitlyn looked excited and opened her mouth to ask her questions, before Arkyn quickly cut her off. "As long as it's not about Klaus."
"That's, like, most of my questions." She protested.
"No Klaus."
"Fine. Tell me about your sister. What happened between her and Kol?"
"I already told you all I knew. Kol said she betrayed him and he wanted to get even."
"Okay, that doesn't count. What about Bonnie?"
"What about Bonnie?"
"I mean, the girl literally tried to kill you and it's been a few years. Why are you still so hung up over her?"
"You make her sound like she was evil. She was a good person."
"You guys were together and she tried to kill you. How else is it supposed to sound?"
"I've had a lot of darkness in my life. About a century ago, Mikael gave me a weapon... in hopes that I would use it against Klaus. One of the only two weapons that can kill an original vampire. And soon after that I lost a lot of people that I cared about. All at once. People I'd let in despite myself. It weighed heavily on me, and I almost used the weapon on myself. It still haunts me to this day. Anyways, my mother knew about it and she told Bonnie about all the pain I've been through, emotionally, mentally and physically. She used it to manipulate Bonnie, brainwash her, and make her help her. Not to kill me, but to give me peace."
"My mother is an expert at manipulation. She made Bonnie believe she was helping me. Bonnie wasn't trying to hurt me. She was trying to save me."
"But she tried to kill you."
"Because Esther's manipulation wasn't based on lies. She used the truth, built on everything I'd already told her."
"Your mom really sucks."
"Yeah, she does."
"Let's get you your magic things for the spell your sister's gonna do. What's it about anyways?"
"Kol's dying because Finn cursed him and there's nothing we can do except this spell that might not even work, if Kol even lets us try it. He's against the spell because he thinks it's a little dangerous, but honestly, it's got to be less dangerous than him definitely dying."
"Woah. When did all this happen?"
"He got cursed the night before the last. When Rebekah came back."
"I'm sorry. I know you care a lot about him. Pretty sure he's the only one I've never heard you speak a bad word against."
"It's always been me and Kol." He shrugged as they walked into the jardin gris.
"Hey, this is Cassie's."
"Great." He said. "The one place I can get what I need happens to be owned by your roommate who hates my guts."
"She doesn't hate your guts." Caitlyn laughed and walked in.
"Cass!" Caitlyn called. "It's Ark and I. He needs some voodoo stuff to save his brother or something."
"Caitlyn, hey." Cassandra smiled walking out from a back door. She turned to Arkyn and glared. "Ark."
"Which brother?" She asked.
"I've heard stories. He's the psychotic one."
"Isn't that Klaus? Or Finn?"
"They're all psychos." Arkyn shrugged. "But Kol's different. He's mortal, now. A warlock. And I'm still paying."
"What do you need?" She sighed. He handed her a note, and she skimmed through the list, occasionally muttering. She came across an ingredient and paled. "Now? Seriously?"
"There a problem?"
"I can't help you." She denied.
"Sorry, but I don't have any of this."
"Cassie, please. My brother's going to die if I don't help him. I know you hate me, but I've already lost him once. I can't lose him again."
"You don't get it. I know this spell. I know exactly how you're going to use it and you're both going to die if you do it."
"I know my magic, and I came up with the spell myself."
"It's not the spell. You're using an untrained witch, and she can't do this. I can't help you kill yourself."
"Rebekah." He said.
"I can't help you."
"What if I used a different witch? Someone who knows how to do magic."
"I hope you don't mean me."
"If I can convince Kol to tell Davina, maybe she can help. She's powerful."
"Davina Claire? The harvest girl? She's powerful, but again, she hasn't been trained enough for a spell of this magnitude."
"Then there'll be a witch in New Orleans who can help."
"That you can trust with your brother's life?"
"Then I'll have to take my chances with Rebekah. I can't do nothing, Cassie. He's my brother."
"And I can't let you do this, knowing you're going to die."
"Then you help me. Please."
"Me?" She scoffed.
"I will owe you anything, a favour to be collected anytime, whatever you want, I don't care. I can't let my brother die a second time. I can't."
"Stop begging, you look pathetic." She sighed and walked away, gathering some things from her shelves.
"Is that a yes?"
"A reluctant yes. And I expect to be paid for my services."
"You got it."

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