Ch1. Metamorphosis

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Once the boy broke free of his cocoon that had shackled his spirit all his life, he grew gigantic white wings, soft, fluffy and strong. The higer he flew, the easier it became to get rid of his past distorted self. What expression did he make at the highest peak? What did he see that none others are aware of? What kind of world opened its door on him that he had such a surprised yet calm look on his face? The ordinary fellows who never looked past their useless pride, who never understood his pain, do they even deserve to know the reality beyond the setting sun? Could somebody see how different was the world for the fresh leafy tree peeping through the narrow slit between the curtains concealing the transparent window? The smoke and noise that pained him but the shade it continued to provide against raging rainy storms and burning solar radiations despite all odds and sufferings, did somebody ever pat him once for all his hardwork? No they would rather put it on fire to stretch their pavement for nothing. Once in a while the lush black crows labelled greedy by the themselves eternally lascivious humans would throw him a visit. That was enough to keep the tall old tree strong_standing and contented. Likewise the boy had somebody precious to keep him going as well. Even though they were never meant to be together, was it all right to walk hand in hand? They met in a wrong way, at the wrong place, at the wrong time. Where were they supposed to take their story from there? How did they make it through the vale of mists walking individually on their divergent paths? Would it be alright for them to make ambiguous promises and fold their world lines accordingly?

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