Safe and sound

533 10 0

The present


" Hello everyone. You are probably wondering why I brought you all here. I need all of your help. " Mycroft announced to the group.

They  were in the dining room of Mycroft's home. Greg, Molly, Donovan, Anderson, John, and Mary.

"Why do you need our help?" Molly asked cautiously.

"Well Ms.hooper, MI6 has found two Hydra soldiers who turned on their employers. They killed a hydra mole at an accords meeting I attended. They both are mutants. You all are aware of Wanda Maxamoff the rouge avenger?"

"yes" they all replied at once

"the two hydra soldiers have her powers basically but think of it 20 times more powerful. They might have multiple powers but we don't know much about them. We know that the man's code name is Reaper and is about 6" with red hair. The ghost is a female  and 5"6 with short blonde hair. They both are trained assassins with a better shot then even Mrs. Watson. They are masters of disguise and if they wanted to or needed to they could take down an entire nation over night and you'd never seem them coming."

"why do need us then?" Mary asked.

"I am required to do some legwork you could say. All of you seem ordinary but aren't really. Hydra is selling the two to anyone who has money. They only let ordinary looking people in to take a look at the merchandise.  Hydra won't expect you lot to be an ex assassin, army doctor, two police officers, a doctor who works for the police and a forensic investigator to come in. All of you have skills that are helpful to extract the hydra soldiers and keep them alive to get back to MI6 headquarters.

"Why are you taking them now?" Greg asked.

"Well, they will be sent on a suicide mission along with some other criminals. They had their choice to do the right thing but instead joined hydra. A powerful creature named Thanos is coming to earth. The avengers gave fallen and we need disposable fighters until the Avengers can regroup and get back to action.  He is collecting Infinity stones and if he gets all of them, he will kill half of all living creatures. "

"Wow. Im in i guess.." Donovan said.

" We're  in too" said John and Mary

After they agreed to help, everyone else agreed to rescue the two hydra traitors.

(two hours later)

"you all have your fake identities, equipment, and mission information. Let's get into the jet"

After the jet ride they finally arrived in Moscow right in front of the base. It was disguised as a doll factory. As they approached the base they were stopped by armed guards.

"Who are you!?" They asked.

"the buyers" Mycroft said in an American accent as he pulled out his fake id. Once they read the id they motioned for the group to follow them. When they entered more guards began to frisk them. After spending five minutes being frisked and checked they were told to go into a man's office.

"Welcome. You must be the buyers?"

"Yea we are. But we don't see no merch like we agreed on! We bring 2.5 mil and you give us the traitors." Mycroft said.

"Yes. Come this way. They are in their cells. We have kept them there for a year."

They all followed him out of the office and down a long corridor until they reached a steel door that would be found at a bank. It was at least 3 feet thick with different locks. After a minute or two of the man unlocking the steel door, they finally entered. They all had to fight the urge of throwing up and then killing the man. The large room contained a glass enclosure and a vibranium cage surrounded with spikes. It smelled of sulfur and death. There was a woman with a clown mask on laying on the cot in the glass box. The man in the cage was throwing himself against the bars as if hd thought he would just break through them. He had a zombie mask on. He had messy red hair that had grown past his chin and was in a half up half down style. The roots of his hair were blackish brown which meant it was dyed. His back had thousands if scars and open wounds seeping out blood. The pounding on the cage was not helping his back heal but just making it bleed more. He had a bionic arm and leg that you could see through his somewhat ripped up cargo pants. On his real arm he had a red snake rapped around it and through all of the scars and blood on his back was an almost visible set of raven wings that resembled the color of his hair. The girl had a sports bra on and black kapris with a bit of blood and dirt on them. Her hair was brown at the roots and faded into a dark brown that went past her hips. It was obvious that she had much better living conditions than him.

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