johnny being a horny bastard

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- homeboy johnny cade ain't innocent so y'all need to shut the fuck up

- he is horny


- he is a teenage boy, so it is valid

- have you fucking seen him? i would ride his dick any day i mean what

- so anyway today we doing a johnny sex hc

- i know i kinda already did this but you can never be too much of a whore for johnny cade so


- hickeys

- hickeys EVERYWHERE

- this bitch has definitely popped some buttons and broke some zippers

- clothes being torn off of you? you best believe it

- "johnny, that was one of my favorite shirts."

- "i'll buy you another one."

- fucking loves a good strip tease

- even though he doesn't like the actual teasing part

- he's just here for the stripping

- gets a boner so fucking fast if you sit on his lap

- he will 100% grind on you if this happens

- or you'll end up giving him a hand job

- there have been times where you both just get off by grinding on each other

- he is not opposed to the idea of public sex AT ALL

- will bang one out WHENEVER and WHEREVER

- if someone would walk in he would deadass not care and keep going

- "why should we stop on account of them? they could care less."

- you didn't hear it from me but he definitely into bondage

- i know ive said this before but it needs to be said again just because i want to:

- his favorite position is missionary because he likes to see your facial expressions

- your orgasm face makes him go fucking WILD

- "that was so hot. you don't even understand."

- damn the horny really fucking jumped out there sorry

- did_you_say_fangirl and i decided that out of everyone in the gang he would hold out the longest

- he would also be able to go for the most rounds

- johnny boy gots that STAMINA

- "you up for another round, johnnycakes?"

- "are there even any condoms left?"

- this is what we discuss at four in the morning

- doesn't even ask if he's doing anything right because he's confident as FUCK

- "i know how to make my girl feel good. i don't even have to worry about messing up anymore."

- he knows his way around in the sheets

- damn this boy is ROUGH in bed

- he doesn't mean to be it's just the way he is

- some morning you'll both wake up and be like "huh i wonder how i got that bruise."

- REALLY goddamn loud

- why is he so loud? we don't know he just is

- i'm talking, moaning, groaning, yelling, beds squeaking, stuff being knocked off tables and counters, walls being pounded against

- if someone doesn't hit their head off of something it wasn't good sex

- "ow, fuck. that goddamn shelf. you really gotta take that down, y/n."

- no one better be planning on getting any peace and quiet if he's having sex in the same proximity as them

-he just gets all kinds of turned on when you moan

- noise complaints quite frequently

- as i have said in previous chapters, he fucking NUTS when you tug or pull on his hair

- this bastard loves giving oral because he knows you're basically putty in his hands

- this boys fingers can work fucking wonders

- he knows ALL the goddamn tricks

- cannot fucking contain himself when you give him a blowjob

- this boy is a hot fucking mess

- grips onto anything around him

- your hair, the bed sheets, the couch

- he cannot keep still so he squirms around

- he whimpers a lot

- shower sex is a definite yes

- that's how you two get hurt most of the time

- if things get messy

- (which they usually do)

- he'll change the sheets and clean up no matter how tired he is

- he cant relax and have a cigarette after sex if the sheets are covered in sweat and god knows what else

- cuddling after fucking is a must

- he's so gentle and soft after he gets done fucking the life out of you

- i can't really think of anything else to write so uh

- that's it

- sorry to be so horny on main

- thanks did_you_say_fangirl for the suggestion

- thanks for reading

- love you all

- if there's any mistakes i'm sorry i barely proofread

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