the gang as dumb ass things i have done

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when i was like 5 i locked my dad outside, ran up the stairs, and fell back down them when i was running. bruised my nose all to hell. i don't know what the fuck i expected to happen

tried to get back into my room after standing out on the roof because there was a wasps nest. i am allergic to wasps. the window i tried to get back in through was broken, so when i tried to get back in i got trapped between the window and the window sill. almost broke my fucking back

i was sitting on the couch drinking water. i had the bottle upside down. i opened a water bottle. water went everywhere. AGAIN i don't know what i expected to happen

i was jumping over a small plastic pool that was filled with water. my mom kept saying i was going to fall in eventually. i did. my princess pajamas were soaked.

i was on some heavy pain meds after surgery and i almost fainted in the shower. thought i could prevent the fainting by just closing my eyes. it did not prevent the fainting. i almost died.

i was jumping from tree stump to tree stump while they were slippery. i fell. peak dumbass right there.

two bit:
i cut off all my baby hairs on the front of my hair line so it looked like i had half of a buzz cut for a solid 6 months. i thought it looked good but in reality i looked like an egg.

hello thanks for reading. i'm a dumbass. love you all

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