Chapter 8 - Age 16 (1)

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"Hey, girls," Alice greeted, seeing Betty and Veronica sprawled out on the couch, some dirty dishes on the table in front of them.

"Hi, mom!"

"Hey, Mrs. Cooper."

Alice sighed, pointing at the dirty plates and looking at Betty. "You did the dishes like I asked you to?"

The blonde girl made a face, quickly getting up and grabbing the ones from the coffee table. "I was just about to," she lied, obvious to everybody.

Veronica giggled, pausing the movie, while Alice just rolled her eyes. "Elizabeth, I work long days. I'm not supposed to come home and—"

"I'm doing it," Betty interrupted and kissed her mom's cheek while passing her. "Relax."

"How was school?" Alice breathed, calming herself down, knowing she was stressed because of work and not because of her daughter.

"It was fine," Betty said as she threw the towel to Veronica, wanting for her to help and dry the dishes. The raven-haired girl wordlessly agreed with the plan, knowing they could keep watching the movie faster if she helped.

"The dinner's in the oven," Betty said.

Alice raised her eyebrows at that. "You made dinner?"

"I might not like washing the plates, but I do realize you get home late every day."

Alice sighed with a smile. "Thanks, honey." Betty smiled in answer, handing Veronica the first cup. "I got a call from your manager."

Betty's eyes lit up at that. "Yeah? Which show are they canceling and what do they want me to audition for?"

"Not Broadway," Alice said. "Disney."

Betty sighed, disappointed. "I've told them many times I don't want to be on Disney Channel, and no, I don't want to be famous."

"What?" Veronica asked in pure disbelief. "You've been asked to have a show on Disney Channel, and you said no?"

"Of course, I did. I mean like the last good show ended like what, 5 years ago? Now it's just shit, people with perfectly symmetrical faces and only blondes. I do not want to be a part of that."

"Calm down," Alice chuckled, having heard all of that already before. "Not Disney Channel, baby. Disney."

"What?" Betty frowned, handing yet another plate to Veronica who was trying to catch up with the speed.

"Animated movie. Voiceovers. They're making—and you both better keep your mouth shut about it or they'll sue us—a new Disney princess."

Veronica almost dropped the plate at that information. Betty's eyes grew huge, forgetting the few more plates she was supposed to wash, leaving the water running. "What?"

"A new Disney princess movie. They're looking for girls aged 16-22. With theater or animation experience," Alice explained with a small smirk on her face, seeing how excited she was now. "Apparently there are three phases in that. The first is the table read with voice actors, but usually, they cast new ones; it's just for a try as Marie told me. The casting process started a few days ago. She sent me a script and a solo sheet of some song and you'd have to videotape."

"Oh my god," Betty breathed in shock.

"But, honey. Think about it, okay? It's not like you would get it 100%. And if you do, you would be famous. Famous in a way Broadway can't do. Over the world-famous. Something that I've understood you don't want to be."

"Fuck yes," she breathed.


"Wait, but is it a real Disney princess or are they going to exclude her from the list like Anna and Elsa and all the new ones?"

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