Chapter 1 - Age 5 (1)

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Hey guys! This was the 23rd fanfiction that I wrote. I like to believe I've developed and learned new things throughout writing all those stories, so the newer they are, the better grammar, punctuation, and vocabulary they have. Thanks for being with me! xx, Lotta.

Betty got up from the bed with a pout on her face. 6 am was obviously too early to wake up for school. So, as her feet touched the cold ground, she seated herself back on the edge of her bed, looking at her mom with her big green eyes wide and sad. Alice Cooper sighed, squatting down in front of her, taking the girl's little hands into hers. "What's the matter, baby?" the woman asked.

"I'm tired," Betty said.

"I know, so am I. But I need to go to work. And you, need to go to school," she said softly.

"But I wanna sleep," the little 4-year-old girl said. "Please?"

Alice chuckled. "No, honey." She got up as the girl pouted, still sitting on the bed, and picked out her clothes. "Here." She finally got the little girl to stand up as well and cooperate and help while getting her dressed.

"Do we have pancakes?" the girl asked hopefully while pulling her socks on.

"We have eggs and toast." The blonde smiled at that big and Alice chuckled, looking at how she managed to tie her own shoelaces, and then slowly walked towards the bathroom. "Baby, if you hurry up, you can watch something on the TV before we go." That got her moving.

As always, the two little girls chose to watch Lion King before going to school, only seeing some parts of it, but singing to all of them. While Polly sang like a kid was supposed to, Betty's voice was louder and clearer, but incredibly soft and clean.

Once Charles had come out of his room and eaten too, they were all ushered outside into the car and then driven to their separate schools.

"Hey Al," FP greeted over the phone.

"Ooh, Jones. You have to have lots of guts to call me after bailing on me a week ago," Alice smirked behind her table at work, tapping the blue pen against the table at the rhythm of the latest pop song that sounded from outside of the building. "How's the play? You got it done?"

"That's why I'm calling you, actually," FP chuckled. "Yes, I got it made. It was accepted..."

"I never doubted that."

"Did you read... or well, report about the crisis?"

"Yes," Alice sighed. "Financial crisis is horrible and always will be. You had something bad happen in the theater?"

"The ones who were there only for money, bailed," the man reported.

"Okay, what else?" Alice asked, writing this down.

FP chuckled over the phone. "I'm not calling you because I want a story, Al. I need kids. Kids who love music, who actually want to do this and not because of money. Kids who sing and dance."

Alice sighed, knowing who and what he was referring to. "She's not even five yet, Jones. She's not trained like I'm sure all the others are. And she's shy; you know that."

"I also know how the shyness fades away once she opens her mouth and starts singing."


"Look, I'm not saying she can full-on be on Broadway at once. I'm just suggesting you give it a try. Think about her future, Alice. If she sings like that at 5 years old, think about what her voice will sound like in ten or twenty years. She could make a career out of something she loves. She could win a fucking Tony Award some day."

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