the princess's return

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MANY THINGS WERE a first for Wendy, but finally there was something she wasn't the only one to try first; Hogsmeade. Unfortunately, there were some problems with her permission. She didn't have any guardian to sign her permit as they were, understandably, not present. But she fought for herself claiming to be old enough to be an adult.

"I understand your situation, Stone," said professor McGonagall in full compassion, "but rules are rules."

"But rules say wizards and witches underage require permission," she made sure no one was around to listen before saying the next part as she whispered, "I'm twenty-nine!"

"Yes, in a body of a thirteen year old, we must remember, and so we must treat you as such!"

Wendy didn't have much to say after that. McGonagall was right, she couldn't have gone and will never be able to until she would reach the proper age. She looked down, defeated, and took a step back.

"I am sorry, Wendy—Harry will be staying too, you should keep him company." She said before leaving to accompany the Gryffindor students, who were new in Hogsmeade.

Wendy returned inside and tried searching for Harry, though, he was nowhere to be found. She thought he probably followed after the others with his invisible cloak. She was quite envious of him in that moment, but she had so much to study any ways. She decided to settle in the Gryffindor Common Room on one of the soft couches in there. The room showed in the movies were quite similar to what Hogwarts really had, although that room appeared to be bigger, as well as the fireplace.

It was around Halloween, so every first and second year was outside in the court or in the Great Hall for their food and snacks. While every other year that did not go to Hogsmeade was because they wanted to prepare for their respective exams earlier. Wendy was alone in the Common Room and when she heard footsteps coming from the top stair case she couldn't help but gasp a little.

"Wendy, darling!" Fred and George said dramatically from the top of the stairs, "Oh, wherefore art thee hither?"

"Didn't know wizards know of Shakespearian English." She chuckled putting her book away.

"We shouldn't—" Fred started.

"—Shakespeare was, in fact, a squib. As squibs are able with words he decided to make stories, I guess." George explained.

"Really?!" She asked incredulously.

"Nope, no idea. We just went to the library to search a few common muggle history to impress you." Fred admitted.

They started walking down the stairs to join her in the Common Room, "why are you here then, shouldn't you be at Hogsmeade?"

"No permit, no Hogsmeade."

"That's rubbish." Fred scoffed.

The two sat down on the carpet in front of her. Although she knew the rooms were kept clean she still couldn't resist herself, "Stand up you two! The floor is dirty!"

The two stood right up in a second. Baffled by the girl's tone, they decided to sit down beside her instead, one each at her side.

"You're just like this little girl we met in Egypt this summer." George commented.

Wendy stiffened at his comment. She knew, by that time, that the twins were in fact the two boys who helped her the times she lost herself during her early years.

"Uh, right, you went to Egypt?!" She asked trying to keep the focus out from her, or her little version.

"Yeah, but you already knew that. Ron told you about it the first night we met." George observed.

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