11. I Really Love You

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'Everything alright?' Paul greets with heavily bagged eyes when I open the door.

'Yeah, thanks for looking after her. Was she alright?'

'Cried quite a bit.'

'Teething.' I nod, taking my daughter back.

'Thanks again, I owe you one.'

'Damn right you do.' He chuckles.


I enter the living room to find George sitting cross-legged on the plush carpeting, looking expectantly at the door. As soon he hears the door creak open, he jumps up with glee at seeing his daughter who he hasn't seen in what seems like forever.

Extending his arms out swiftly, he takes Louisa, gasping and smiling like he did when she was first born.

'Oh Louisa, I'm so sorry.' George whispers gently into her ear, holding her close to his chest.

'Daddy loves you so, so much. I really love you. I've missed you. But you're back now, and I'm never letting you go.' George seems like he's going to cry, and when he looks up at me, I can see that he is.

'And I'm never letting you go, either.' He states, a stern look on his blemished face.

I smile and exhale, before stepping closer and pulling them both into a hug. Two minutes pass, and I break away, looking at George and smiling. He breathes the hugest sigh of relief I've ever heard, and closes his eyes, basking in the bliss that has come over all of us.

We're interrupted by some strange gurgling noises. George follows my gaze over to out daughter, who's emitting some very strange noises.

'Ah, I think she's trying to speak!' I gasp, excitedly, frantically searching around for George's video camera he keeps lying around.

'Go on, go on!' Geo encourages excitedly bouncing her on his hip.


'Papa, yes...' He further encourages as I press the record button on the camera.

'P-p- Paul!'

George and I gasp in unison, as our daughter bursts out laughing. We've never heard her laugh so much. We look at each other in shock, before George starts snorting.

'Eh? What did you just say? Paul?' He jokes, tickling Louisa, making her laugh more.

'Not silly Uncle Paul?' he asks, emphasising the 'silly' part, shaking his head in mock disappointment.

'Looks like she got her sense of humour from you.' I laugh.

'Yeah, I bet he's been teaching her that all weekend, the swine.'

'No wonder he looked so tired.' I giggle, before switching the camera off and placing a kiss on my daughter's head.

I look at George and beam at him.

'I forgive you.'

And with that, all is forgiven...but not forgotten.


I completely didn't realise this was the end omg

Thank you all for your support, and watch this space. x

Prequel to the Friar Park Franchise is now being released: "Liverpool Lullaby"

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