✆ call #6

360 28 21

Bennett || Kian


"What the hell kind of a lifeline is this?!"


"I got put on hold twice! Twice!"


"What would've happened if a caller was on the edge of suicide and needed help and got out on hold?"

"...Well that was a hell of a first impression."


"I'm also going to take this as a sign that you're not in immediate danger of harming yourself because you're too busy being angry."


"Yes, I'm aware that it's a bad idea to put people on hold, but especially at this time...in American history, this center gets too many calls. More calls than we have counselors."

"I'm sorry."

"That's better."

"Look, I was just stressed out, and I just...needed someone to talk to."

"Right, and now I'm stressed out because I got yelled at for no reason."

"I said I'm sorry. And you don't sound stressed out."

"I'm stressing on the inside. This could be the traumatic event that starts the downward spiral of my life into an abyss of nothingness." [sniff]


"Just think about how this might affect my emotional health in the long run. I've already lost the motivation to do anything."




"So, let's get this started. What's your name?"

"Excuse me?"

"Your name? I'm sure you're not aware of social etiquette because you yelled at me during our first conversation, but generally, to make human connections, we like to use people's names when we have a conversation with them."

"Oh shut up. I just...don't want anyone to find out about this."

"What, that you yelled at a Lifeline worker?"

"That I'm gay, you idiot."

"Am I the first person you ever told?"


"Nice. I feel special."

"I can't believe this...out of all people..."

"I'm honored, truly."

"Shut up. And I'm still not telling you my name. Besides, you could be a creep anyway."

"Right, because creeps work at a suicide prevention center."

"Doesn't make you a saint either."

"You're pessimistic aren't you."

"I prefer the term realistic."

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