Extended Summary

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Bennett Lawson is working at Trevor Lifeline over the summer. He is comfortable with himself for the first time in a long time, and knows he is capable of helping others feel the same. While he did sign up to help kids in need, Bennett did not expect to meet a sassy caller who he may have once had a crush on.

Kian Callens is tired of being unhappy with himself. Struggling to hide his sexual preference throughout high school was exhausting, but he did what it took to maintain his straight, popular, basketball star image and to avoid letting everyone around him down.

But now, he's graduated college and is set off into the big wide world. All of his goals for his life have gone to shit. Meanwhile, his best friend is living her best life. Kian knows he needs to find someone to talk to before it's too late. He just didn't expect that person to be a charming yet annoying counselor on a helpline.

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