Chapter 5

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Harry opened his eyes groaning and trying to cuddle closer to Niall.
"hey there princess" A deep voice whispered near his ears.Harry shivered at the deep voice.
"Good morning"Louis said chuckling at their little omega.
"Good morning"said Harry and turned his face towards Louis and noted that only three of them were in bed.
"you look so cute baby."Louis cooed kissing harry forehead and smiled widely when Harry blushed.
"Hey Niall, com'on wake up"Louis said shaking Niall who just stirred a little but didn't opened his eyes. He tightened his arms around Harry and brought him closer to himself.
"Niall wake up"harry said shooking Niall who finally opened his eyes and was met by the sight of their adorable omega who was looking at him with his impossibly big green eyes. Niall hadn't noticed before but Harry have a set of really beautiful eyes. They were almost like emerald. Harry blushed under the gaze of Niall who just stared at him like he was a treasure.
"Niall, stop staring at me"Whined Harry hiding his face in Niall's broad chest.
"You are so beautiful I couldn't help but stare at you" answered Niall kissing harry cheeks.
"Com'on guys get out of the bed"ordered Louis who was smiling at the sight of his mates.
"okay lou" reluctantly Niall got out of the bed but before Harry could stepped out of the bed, he was picked by Louis. He looked at Louis confusedly who just grinned and cradle Harry like a newborn baby. Harry smelt the familiar smell of the alpha and relaxed in his arms. His head resting on Louis shoulder.
"I know right now you are not comfortable for showing your body to us but it's okay. We don't want to pressure you or something like that. Okay? "Louis said. He didn't want Harry to feel uncomfortable.
Harry was really happy that his alphas weren't cruel or bad. They wanted him to be happy and comfortable. Also, harry didn't want the alphas to know about his self harming. Yesterday, when the alphas found out how little he ate, they were in havoc and were corcerned about him. He didn't want them to worry over him. He was worthless and didn't deserve their worry.
Harry was so lost in his self destructing thought that he didn't know when he released his distress whine.
Louis and niall were frozen at the distress whine and looked at harry who was thinking something bad. But about what?
"Harry? "Louis said softly.
"Umm, never mind. That is the bathroom. Go and get ready" he said.
After Harry walked inside the bathroom, Niall looked at Louis with a corcern look. Something was wrong with their mate. It was still hard to process that their little mate don't eat much.
"I am worried about Harry" Niall admitted.
"Me too Niall. It's been only a day we have finally found our mate. I don't want him to go away from us" Louis said. He was on the verge of tears which was unusual for an alpha but Louis wasn't like that. He was carefree and doesn't like to order omega until necessary. And he has always been an emotional type.
Niall pulled Louis into a hug. He whispered soft soothing words to calm down the alpha.
"It's going to be alright lou, don't worry. Harry is not going away "Niall reassured Louis who nodded his head. "you are right Niall. We will not let anything happen to Harry and he will not go away from us"Louis said.
"yes Louis. Let's get harry some clothes "
They both give some of their clothes. When Harry stepped out the bathroom wearing only Louis, the alphas cock twitched.
Harry blushed under the stare of his two mates who immediately hugged him and started to sniff him around. Harry back was pressed against the Louis broad chest and Niall was facing his front kissing him on his face.
"So beautiful "Whispered Niall and Louis nodded in agreement and indeed Harry was looking in simple words gorgeous. The oversize shirt which reach to his knees and look like it will fall down.
"the pant kept falling Down so I decided to just wear the shirt if you don't mind" he said.
"baby, we will never mind what you wear and if you are even nake will not mind "Niall said.
They after the few minutes separated and once again Harry was in Niall arms.
"Why do you guys keep picking me up? "
"because bud we don't want those sweet little legs of your to get hurt" Louis said kissing harry nose.
"It doesn't make sense"harry said.
"why sweetheart? "
"I work more then 10 hours of the day while standing "Said Harry nonchalantly.
This stopped the alphas dead in the track. Their little sweet omega works so much. Isn't it illegal for an omega to work more than 5 hours?
"Are you alright? "asked Harry still in Niall arms and looking are the two who wore a really corcern and confused look.
"yeah, we will talk about oh t later"Said Niall.
"About what? "questioned Harry.
"About work"
Before Harry could ask what they meant, they reached the kitchen. Liam and Zayn were standing inside the kitchen talking to each other and Liam was making pancakes. Zayn was currently hugging Liam from behind and was whispering dirty things in his ears which was making liam blush.
"hey there Li. I don't know how you are able to wake up at so early in the morning? "Niall asked the two other alpha who shrugged and said, "it's not our fault that you are such a lazy ass"
Niall pouted. Zayn kissed the pout and grin at the blush that decorated Niall face.
"hii baby, good morning "Liam said taking Harry from Louis after kissing Louis nose.
"let's eat now "Niall said eyeing the pancakes hungrily. They laughed at the Niall obvious love towards. Louis set the plates on the table and Harry groaned.
"I don't wanna eat "Harry whined from Liam arms.
"and why Harry? "Zayn asked more in a command tone.
"I ate yesterday "answered Harry. He had eaten enough yesterday, why does he need eat to again ?
"you ate only a portion of what every one ate bud. I don't like the fact that you don't eat much. "Zayn said sternly. "but"Harry was cut off by Zayn
"you are going to eat and then we are going to discuss rules and important things. Am I clear?" Zayn said using the alpha voice which made Harry submit to him.
"yes alpha "
"good boy "Zayn praised and grinned at the blush forming on their little omega.
Liam took a sit across Zayn who has Louis on his lap. Niall was sitting beside him and kissing harry all over his face. After they ate with Liam being strict towards Harry who had finished only half of his plate.
Liam gave a stern look towarde Harry and smiled when Harry reluctantly opened his mouth so that liam could feed him.
When Harry finally finished the last bit from his plate and blushing at the praise Liam was giving him Zayn decided that it was now time to discuss some important rules.

Liam placed Harry on the couch and sat beside him. Louis and niall stand with Zayn.
"Harry, we all have some rules you will have to follow. If the rule is broken, then there are going to be consequences. Am I understood?" Zayn asked and Harry nodded his head.
"Write down the rules" Liam said and Louis gave a piece of paper and a pen to Harry who smiled and said a small 'thank you '.
"1) you will Always eat 3 meals a day.
2) you will not back talk to any of us.
3)you will not embarras us in the public.
4) I want you to always be honest toward us.
5)no cussing
6)If you ever have any problem, then come to any of us.
7)if someone is harassing you or bullying you, then you will come straight to us.
8) We will always sit together and discuss the things happened today. This rule should be followed by everyone including me
9)your bedtime will be 11 on school days and on holidays it will be 12."
Zayn finished listing the rules.
"Any questions?" Zayn asked.
"yes Zayn? If my bedtime is 11 then how will I do night shift? It's get around 2 sometime"
"You work!?" Zayn and liam asked shocked. Niall and Louis already knew about it.
"I do have pay rent y'know and the university" said Harry like its a matter of fact.
"you are not going to work from now on " ordered the 4 Alphas.
"Umm why? "Harry asked confused." I hand started working from 16 to pay rent and for the school "
"you are going to stay here from now on so there's no need to pay rent and the university fees will be taken care of and the money for any thing like clothes and all that will also be taken care of, "Niall said.
"I am not going to be dependent on you guys. I can work "Harry said angrily. He had always been independent and it's not going to be change.
"yes you can work love but we Don't want anything happen to you so how many jobs do you do? "
"3" answered Harry.
The 4 alphas were shocked at it. Their sweet little omega works so much to pay the rent and for his education. They gained respect for Harry who was just an omega who seems to be not having any parent but want to study and not be like any other omega.
"You can work only one job in the 3 and if you argue, you are not going to work any of the job. We will see which job is less stressful and is not dangerous for you." Zayn said and Harry knew that he can't argue.
"let's go to shopping. We can buy clothes for Harry and some other things "Niall said excitely.
"sure Ni"
Harry smiled. For once, he felt safe and loved after being kicked out from his house.

Hii guys, I am really sorry for such an late update. The Ageplay is coming soon in the coming chapter. If you like the chapter, please vote and comment

Thank you

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