Chapter 1

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Y/N: your name
Y/L/N: your last name
E/C: eye colour
F/C: favourite colour
F/F: favourite flavour
H/C: hair colour
F/N: favourite nickname
A/N: authors note will be written in BOLD
Italics: represents a dream.


Y/N ran, she ran as far away from Hydra as she could. She never wanted to see the secret facilities where she had been turned into the monster she


I heard a noise and jumped up from my bed where previously I was reading Harry Potter and the Philosophers stone and glanced at my computer monitor checking to see if anyone had arrived, they hadn't, it was just one of the maids who had stubbed her toe and I could now hear her swearing profusely. Tony, Nat, Bruce, Steve, and Wanda had left for a mission, leaving me at the Avengers tower alone.

Vision had tried to make sure that I wouldn't be bored by giving me a task to do and a few books to read while they were in Germany promising that they would be back in a few hours because it was a more mentally tiring job (it was working on the development of my powers) it worked at keeping my mind off imagining if I had gone with them instead of being left behind. I was alone, except for Jarvis. The reason why I couldn't go was that I had suffered a stab wound that until the day they all left was bleeding profusely and refusing to stay behind bandages, I had insisted that I could go with them but they didn't want to risk me ripping open the stitches. Again.

By the time I had finished my 3-hour training session Tony and the team still hadn't arrived.

A week and two days passed and just when as I was getting ready to go and bring them home myself (for you had had enough of waiting.), I heard a jet engine as it roared from above. I ran to the elevator and pressed the button to go to the roof of the Avengers Tower. I waited as the Quinjet landed gently on the landing pad until I approached it. Natasha and Tony stepped out of the Jet looking worse for wear. Natasha had a cut just above her eyebrow and she was clutching her left arm. Tony was seemed to be okay until he took off the Iron man suit then I could see that he was favouring his right leg and had multiple cuts on his face. I ran up to them and asked with a concerned expression

"What happened?"

Tony just glared and limped away. I was startled, Tony though he could be quite difficult was never like that. I turn to Natasha.

"What happened? What is wrong with Tony?"

Natasha looks at me and then answers,

"Why don't you ask Steve's new buddy."

I look over Natasha's shoulder and gasp. Steve was carrying someone I hoped I would never see again.

The Winter Soldier.

Steve was holding him up and was very injured. I slowly walked towards them and then stopped. Emerging from the jet was Wanda, she looked exhausted, she wasn't as beat up as the others but she looked as though she was about to collapse. My instinct to look after my teammates kicked in. I walked right past Steve and the Soldier and jogged to Wanda and helped her get out of the jet and supported her to the elevator, I gave Steve a look that promised pain if he didn't tell me what had happened.

Later in the day I called a team meeting, Sam had come back from his date just after Steve and Tony and Nat and Wanda came back and Viz had fazed through a wall to join the rest of the team in the living room. I looked at the armchair where Steve normally sat and saw that it was occupied by the Winter Soldier, Steve had taken a chair from the adjoining room and was sitting next to The soldier, and then quickly looked away. I had sat Wanda on the comfiest chair and had gotten a blanket for her. She had fallen asleep and was snoring quietly in the corner. Tony was slumping against the cushions of the sofa with a glass of whiskey, Natasha and Sam were sitting on the sofa with Tony.

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