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                 In the year that followed Blake had decided it was time to move away with Yang and so they moved far, far away from their tiny apartment that they were previously living in. Raven ended up leaving Tai because he was still cares for Ruby. That happened a year after Ruby left home. Now to Ruby and Weiss. Weiss went to collage for the next four years to get a degree in business so when she graduates she can start on receiving the family business from her father and eventually become the head of the company.  Ruby went to collage as well but to study writing but dropped out at year to join the military where she was accepted in and trained. When the time came for her to be deployed her and Weiss went out and as they were walking back to their place Weiss lead her down to a public park and lead her to a little field that reminded her of the one they found while at camp. Weiss turned to Ruby and got down on one knee asking her to marry her. Ruby said yes and they embraced. They agreed to plan and actually get married when Ruby got back, for she was only going to be deployed for three months. 

                        The day after that night Ruby left for her post. It was a well guarded listening post so Weiss felt reassured in that fact. Three month's later she got a letter not from Ruby saying she's coming home. But one from the Ruby's ranking officer (who at the time was stationed elsewhere a little ways a way at time)  saying that the post had been attacked and captured, and they had heard that there were a couple of casualties there but there were mainly hostages and that he didn't know if Ruby was a hostage or if she was dead but hold out hope nonetheless.

                      About four months after that she got another letter from the same officer telling her that Ruby was coming home alive but unfortunately not unscathed. The hostile forces who had taken the post were not the kindest to their hostages and that they had subjected them to different forms torture. Well aside from hearing about Ruby being tortured she was deeply relieved to her that her fiancee was coming home after seven long months. 

                         When ruby arrived back in the country Weiss was standing not to far and darted to her much like Ruby used to do to her and gave her a kiss and deep hug. Two months after that they got married. About two years of being married they ended up adopting twins both being female. The two lovers who met at camp ended up watching their kids grow up, and they did the only thing they could do. Grew old in each other's company.

                                                                                     The End.

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