There's A Place

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A few more days later the sun is now just hovering in the west sky.

"Well that meal was considerably worse than the other meals so far," Weiss says as Ruby and her walk out of the dinning hall.

"For sure, over the three weeks that we've been here that has been the worse meal they've served," Ruby says walking alongside Weiss.

"Shit, it's all ready been three weeks, it feels like it was just the other day that we got here,"

"I know the feeling, It seems like the days are just flying right on by,"

"So that means we leave in like a month and a half then,"

"I guess so,"

"I really don't want this summer to end," Weiss says as they walk towards an entrance to a trail. "short hike?"

"Sure, sounds fun," Ruby says and they start walking onto the trail. "why don't you want it to end? A rich girl like you would be dying for a soft bed and a feather pillow and servants being all "Miss Schnee your coffee is ready and would you like anything else?"' she says in a mockingly deeper voice,

"Fair enough, not all that nice stuff can or does block out the shit at home,"

"What do you mean?"

"Well my dad is a prick, my mom is an alcoholic, my sister-"

"Wait you have a sister?!"

"Yeah and a brother too, my sister is older than me and went and joined the military against my father's will' and my brother is a prick as well and a massive snitch. I can't count the amount of times I've gotten in trouble because of that little bastard,"

"That sounds terrible, were you close with your sister before she left?"

"Yeah, I was, we were best friends and she protected me from father whenever we would fight, I can fend better than I used to now that she's gone but still that's not always enough,"

"Shit that's twisted. And I thought my home life was twisted,"

"The thing is yours is fucked and so is mine,"

"But your dad-"

"Is a bitch and so is your step-mom and they probably get along well but that doesn't matter because we're not at home right now and that won't be taken care of anytime soon,"

"I suppose that's true, but we shouldn't have to worry about being abused at home,"

"Yeah that's true but alas the universe hates us,"

"Not completely, we met,"

"Okay mostly hates us," Weiss says smiling.

"Hey look over there," Ruby says darting off the trail a little bit.

"Ruby wait come back," Weiss says chasing after her.

She chases her friend until they find an opening in the trees and there's a field with some flowers growing surrounded by trees.

"Whoa," Ruby gasps.

"Indeed it is,"

"Do you like wanna walk around here for a little bit and then head back to our cabin?" Ruby suggest looking around the field.

"Sure it looks beautiful,"

"Like you," Ruby says underneath her breath.

"What was that?"

"I said yep"'

"Oh okay,"



They look at each other than start walking in the field until they find two patches of flowers next to each other. One is on the right next to Ruby and the other is on the left next to Weiss. The one on the left is a small patch of red roses and the patch on the right is all white roses.

"Weiss hold on," Ruby says bending down and plucking a white rose and removing any thorns it might have. She stands and turns to Weiss. "Here," she says placing it in the other girls hair.

"What's fair is fair, let me put a red one in your hair," Weiss says repeating the process that her friend did, but she accidentally gets nicked on the flower.

"Weiss are you okay?"

"Yeah it's just a small cut, I'll be fine," she says putting the flower in Ruby's hair. "Ruby you look very beautiful,"

"Thanks, so do you,"

They make eye contact than quickly look away.

"Go on ask her out! Or at least tell her you like her, or girls do something you dumb, dumb Ice Queen," Weiss thinks to herself.

"So Ruby do you by chance like anyone?"

"Oh I like loads of people; You, Yang, Blake, etc."

"No I mean like, have a crush on anyone?"

"Oh you mean like, like. I getcha, as a matter of fact I do. Do you?"

"I do,"

"Oh really do I by some chance know him?"

"Her, and-,"

"Wait you like girls?"

"Yeah is that a going to be a problem?"

"No not at all, actually the person I like happens to be a girl?"

"Really and do I know her,"

"Yeah you do, but I asked first,"

"True, you do know her pretty well,"

"Shit don't tell me it's my sister, she's taken by a really cool person who might be stuck in an emo phase,"

"No, don't be silly, Ruby I really actually like you,"

"YOU DO?!"

"Yeah, don't be mad and if you don't like me back I understand, I just needed to tell you as your roommate,"

"Well I got news for you Ice Queen, I really like you,"



The sun begins to set and it slowly gets darker. They stare at each other for a moment. There's nothing but silence aside from the wind blowing. But then Weiss breaks the silence.

"So do you want to be my girlfriend then?"

"Hell yes," Ruby says jumping up into a Koala hug and kissing her now girlfriend.

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