A Simple Morning

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                  They arrive at the cabin shortly there after. Ruby rushes in and jumps onto her makeshift bed, while Weiss strolls in, and gracefully sits on her bed. Ruby pulls her bag onto her bed and digs around for a minute and then pulls out a chess board. She moves down to the floor and sets it up. Weiss joins her on the floor by sitting across from her.

                "So Ice Queen, what color do want to be?" Ruby asks pushing bag off of her bed causing a loud crashing noise.

                 "I suppose I can be brown, so you can be first," Weiss says looking at the board.

               "Why thank you, your quite the lady," She says moving her pawn from g2 to g3.

               "Well I try to be most of the time," she says moving pawn from a7 to a5.

                "So what's life like for the great and mighty Ice Queen?" She asks moving her bishop from f1 to g2

                 "Well honestly it's not all that great. I mean sure the money is very nice. But the suitors my god are they a pain, especially since my father wants to arrenge my marriage along with the entirety of my future," she says moving her pawn from f7 to f6.

                  "Well that sounds like a drag," Ruby says moving her bishop from g2 to f3.

                   "Yeah it really is and all of them care more about my father and his money than me," Weiss says moving her pawn from g8 to g6.

                  "Hey maybe someday soon you'll find the one, the suitor nicer than the rest and gives an actual damn about my friend," she says moving her bishop from f3 to h5.

                    "I can't really tell yet, but I think that I've found the one and that she is sitting right across from me with the cutest smile I may have ever seen," Weiss thinks to herself.

             "Yeah maybe. Wait you see me as a friend?"  Weiss asks pleasantly surprised and moving her pawn from h8 to h7.

                  "Yeah I suppose, aside from my sister Yang your really the only person I've talked to in awhile, so yes I see you as my friend, hell I would even maybe say best friend  but like we haven't really known each other for that and like I said I don't talk to many people so I may be getting over attached to you already. Oh and I win," Ruby says moving her bishop from h5 to e8 which is the starting space for Weiss' king.

                  "Very well Ruby Rose I will be most honored to be your best friend. And that was a very good game of chess," Weiss says as Ruby puts away the chess pieces and board.

                   "Really?!" Ruby asks looking up in bewilderment at Weiss.

                  "Yeah your a very nice girl and I am very happy that we ended up sharing a cabin. So really I wanna be your best friend if that is what you want,"

                 "Well I really I wanna be your girlfriend and sweep you off of you feet and carry you away from your problems but nonetheless this is a huge step possibly in that direction," the white haired girl thinks to herself.

                 "Yay!" Ruby squeals  and tackles Weiss into a big hug.

                   "So we still have about a hour left, what do wanna do?" Weiss asks as Ruby sits back up and off of her friend.

                   "Well I brought my MP3 player and a small speaker, how about karaoke?"

                   "That sounds fun,"

                   "Well let me set it up then," Ruby says digging in her bag for them.

                  "Well you've got the time,"

                 "Ah! there they are," Ruby says pulling them out of her bag. She throws her bag across the room and this time a scared cat noise plays. "Damn I knew I should've taken that sound effect button out of my bag,"

                  "You have a sound effect button? That's pretty cool,"

                   "Yeah I suppose, it gets kinda annoying though,"

                    "I bet it would,"

                   "Anywho do you wanna go first?"


                   "All righty, what song do you want?"

                  "Do you have Miss Atomic Bomb, by The Killers?"

                  "Do I have Miss Atomic Bomb by The Killers?" Ruby asks confidently

                  "Do you?" Weiss asks a slightly worried.

                  "Yes I do, they are my favorite band," Ruby says scrolling through her MP3.

                   "Really? me too I've listened  to them since I was like thirteen,"

                  "That's pretty cool. Oh! there it is. You ready?"

                "As I'll ever be,"

                The music starts to play and Weiss takes a deep breath and starts to sing along once the lead singer starts to sing on the track. Suddenly after Weiss has sung like three lines, the music stops.

                "What the hell?" Weiss asks very annoyed that her friend has stopped the music.

                "Sorry I'll only interrupt this one time, you Weiss my friend have the singing voice of a snow angel," Ruby says in awe.

                 "Thank you Ruby, that's very kind of you," Weiss says in a much more gentle tone.

                  "Okay please continue," Ruby says starting the song back up. Weiss smoothly picks up from where she was cut off. They end up doing this activity until it's time for lunch. Which then Ruby puts away her her MP3 and speakers and they walk to the mess hall.

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