Chapter 23

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By late afternoon, we had made no progress in the search for Tyler.

While the rest of our crew were questioned by hotel security, they were able to convince management not to kick us out as long as we returned the stolen vehicle. I think it took some bribery on Dennis' part, but Jarred found it all hilarious and Bree was less than impressed.

"Jarred and Kayley went to Chinatown," said Dennis over the phone. "They're on foot so maybe Bree and I can catch up to them."

I squinted up at a few giant billboards as a yellow taxi flew past us. "Well, Reid and I are still looking. We're in Queens."

"Manhattan," Reid corrected.

I narrowed my eyes at him which he ignored, taking a sip of his coffee instead. We made a stop an hour ago to get food and there were a few cold, greasy burgers and other snacks sitting in the backseat. Speaking of which, I grabbed the paper bag and dug out the last cookie.

Bree said something over the line, the irritation in her voice clear.

"Anyway," Dennis sighed. "Keep me updated."

He hung up before I could reply.

"So," Reid started as we pulled into a more suburban area. "I heard that you two were the talk of the town at Homecoming."

"Hm." I munched on my cookie, trying not to get crumbs all over the pristine car that we still had to return. "What's your excuse for not being there?"

"I was... preoccupied."

I gestured for him to elaborate but he only watched the road ahead, waiting for the light to change. Finally, he let out a dejected sigh.

"I was going to ask someone," said Reid coolly and my eyebrows rose in speculation. He didn't look at me, shrugging. "Another guy got there first."

I finished my cookie, wiping my hands on a napkin. "You snooze, you lose, Reid."

He waved a hand vaguely, a slight smile tugging at his lips but he changed the topic. "I thought this trip would be a nice break, you know? Especially with the MLS SuperDraft coming up - and Christmas with my extended family is always the worst."

"How are you feeling about the Draft?"

Something flashed across his face - frustration, I figured but it was gone too quickly. He met my gaze for a second before focusing back on the road, shoulders relaxing a little.

"Irritated, mostly." Reid's response surprised me and I looked away hastily once I realised I had been staring at him. "I can't be sure if these clubs want my family's sponsorship or me, as a player."

From my limited knowledge of soccer, I knew Reid was a great attacking-midfielder and forward hybrid. I also recalled Tyler bragging about how Reid's entitled upbringing also made him incredibly bossy and therefore a great leader on and off the field. Reid had all the resources to achieve his dream but it came down to whether or not he considered himself a fraud - whether or not he thought he deserved the opportunity to play professionally. I, for one, thought he did.

"That's exhausting," I said at last. "Surely they've seen your trophy wall?"

"Only you've had the pleasure."

It was then when I realised that Reid had stopped the car. Leaning forward, I looked up at the towering sign in front of us and then back at him. "You're not serious," I said flatly.

"I am," Reid insisted, unlocking the doors with a click. "Come on - we need to hurry. Considering how Tyler ran off like that, he might be in trouble..."

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