Chapter 5

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Bree's party was quite the occasion.

As Kayley and I walked through the front door, hundreds of people had already filled up the Richardson's contemporary mansion. The place was lit up like a Christmas tree, glitter and trodden rose petals strewn across the sleek floors. I spotted Bree herself standing by the elevator, bouquets of flowers at her feet as she welcomed people in. She was dressed in a skin-tight silver sequin dress and the monster six-inch Christian Louboutin heels showed off her toned legs. Upon seeing us, Bree waved.

"Thanks for coming," she shouted over the noise. "Enjoy the party, girls!"

I just waved back, suddenly losing Kayley in the crowd as a stream of partygoers filtered in. I thought I heard her shout my name but in my panic, was propelled into the house and soon greeted with a horde of dancing teenagers.

"Here you are!" One of Bree's groupies shoved a red solo cup into my hands, her arms full. "Drink your feelings away, sweetie."

She disappeared before I could respond and after a tentative sniff of the contents, I took a tiny sip from the cup. Grimacing at the taste, I pulled back quickly. It was supposed to be vodka and pink lemonade but it was more vodka than anything else.

"Whoa –"

I staggered as someone crashed right into me but his hand shot out to steady my drink before it could spill over my dress and his white polo shirt. When I opened my mouth to say something, the boy dodged behind me, hiding from a girl who was strutting past in bright-pink lingerie.

When she was safely out of sight, I laughed. "One-night stand?"

He straightened and scratched his head sheepishly, suddenly becoming very familiar. Even so, it took me a moment to put a name to his boyish good looks and light brown eyes.

"You're Chase Anderson," I blurted out and then backtracked. "Sorry. I'm Lex."

He quirked an eyebrow as his gaze surreptitiously swept over my dress with the semi-scandalous neckline. Our eyes met awkwardly as I caught him checking me out and I shook my head in what I hoped was a not-gonna-happen gesture. He seemed to get the message nonetheless and looked embarrassed, cringing.

"Please don't take that the wrong way." Chase moved aside for a girl with long braids to squeeze past us. "Sorry - I'm just... not very smooth. But it's nice to meet you, Lex."

Chase Anderson and I had never been properly introduced before so I didn't know what I wanted to believe about him just yet. From what I could gather in two minutes, he was likeable - if not a little sleazy.

"You too," I replied, straining to be heard over the music. "Do you know Bree or are you a plus one?" Or a party-crasher, I thought inwardly.

He waved his hand vaguely. "Oh, we've met a few times. You?"

"We go to the same school."

"Marshall Grammar," said Chase with new understanding. He looked around grimly. "That's how you know me, then?"

"I don't know you. I've only just met you."

"What the hell is this?"

Oh no.

Tyler's gaze met mine first, before moving onto Chase and I realised he was a little tipsy. Since he was also an open book, I saw the shock pass before the fury took over.

"Alexa Patterson." He glared at me and suddenly, I felt like a toddler being told off. "Look, I told you I was sorry but you don't have to fraternize with the enemy to get even!"

Words could not express how completely moronic he sounded right now.

"You better distract Reid while I deal with this." Tyler pointed behind me, in the general direction to where Reid was. "And get creative - maybe give him a lap dance."

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