Old locations, New beginings

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Sorry it's been a while but this is honestly not a priority to me considering only a few people read this. But to you guys who read this, thank you for you support (: Okay, on with the story!


Joseph's POV

I had no idea where I was, what time it was, or how I got there. All I knew was that I felt horrible. What in the world had caused me to say that?! Man, I'm such an idiot! That last sentence kept replaying throughout my mind. 'Maybe Mr. Davidson was right. Maybe you are selfish brat.' These harsh words echoed throughout my mind, I just wanted everything to cease and rewind!

"UGHHHHH!" I shouted out in frustration. Well, I'm not getting anywhere just lying down who-knows-where. So I got up and started looking for my iPhone. Thank god for GPS. Apparently, I was about 30 miles west from my house. I decided the best thing to do would be to look for my car, which would be quite difficult considering all I saw around me were trees and leaves.

Then I got an idea. I could just press the alarm button on my keys which would make my car alarm go off! Man Joseph, sometimes I wonder how I could be this smart but be failing science. I reach in to my pocket for my keys and press the alarm button. I jump higher than Michael Jordan when the sudden sound comes from behind me. Boy am I glad no one is around me because I just screeched louder and higher pitched then my 5 year old little cousin... Who's a girl.

I shut off the alarm and climbed into my car. I don't know how I got my car in this foresty area without gaining a scratch on my Porsche', but I sure hoped I could get out that way. I started out by switching on the head-lights so I could see my previous tire-tracks. Sure enough I saw them and started following that path to the best of my ability.

Finally, I made it out of that odd place, and onto a rocky road. I went back to my trusty phone and searched for directions back to my house. On my silent drive back home, every thought possible came rushing back to my mind. 'Maybe Mr.Davidson was right. Maybe you are a selfish brat.' I don't know what made me say that, but that is definitely not how I felt about Violet. She is not even close to being selfish. She's so self-less and forgiving, and even though I've only known her for a couple of days, I believe wholeheartedly that that's the case. I knew then that I had to do to make it up to her, starting right now. It was only 4 o'clock, so I figured I would check to see if she was back home yet.

Those weren't the only thoughts circling my mind though. For some reason, that place I was in felt strangely familiar. Obviously, I went there for a reason. While lying on that dirty ground covered in leaves, I felt as though I were hugging an old friend I hadn't seen in a long while. Although I left in such a hurry, I had a feeling I'd be back.

Violet's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I would start now. I had to start now. I chanted these words over and over in my head as I lifted myself off of that cold tiled floor. After Joseph said that I was selfish, I couldn't find the strength to get up and chase after him telling him I was wrong for saying all those things. I was just so angry with myself, I decided to make others feel my pain.

Well no more of that. From now on, I would think of others before myself, and be understanding, rather than jumping to conclusions. The last bell had rang about 20 minutes ago, but I still haven't gotten up. With thoughts to improve myself still fresh in my mind, I mustered up the courage to lift myself up and start walking out of the door.

It was almost 2:30 by the time I made it to the main entrance of the school. The only people still in the school were students staying after school for extra-curriculum activities and the coaches/chaperones. I peered into the main office to see only the main secretary at her desk. Well this would be easier than I thought it would. I took a couple of seconds to compose myself and wipe the dry tears off of my face before I entered.

I skipped into the office with a smile on my face. "Hello Mrs.Winters. My name is Violet Thompson, I transferred here 3 days ago. I was going to sign up for the volleyball team but the instructor in charge of the sport told me to come into the office and grab a form out of her file-cabinet so I could fill it out. I was wondering if you could point out the direction to me?" I said this with no wavers in my voice and my smile never faltering.

"Of course Miss Thompson! You seem like a nice young-lady. The teachers' filing-cabinets are back there, third door on your right." Mrs. Winters replied back to me. She was so nice and welcoming, I felt pretty bad for lying to her, but hey, I had to do this in order to apologize. "Thank you so much!" I replied sweetly.

I walked into the room and searched for the section labeled D. My fingers skidded the tops of each file until they found their destination. "Bingo! Found you," I whispered to myself. I pulled out the file labeled none other than: Matt Davidson.

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