Beauty is Infinite

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As I drove home in the pouring rain and blistering cold, unusual in California, I vaguely questioned how one simple encounter with an old acquaintance could keep me feeling so cozy and warm. However, my ride home wasn't to my leisure because I was on a time limit to get home. I had forgotten of the planned dinner with my family that night due to my trip down memory-lane with Matt. I took a lot back roads as to avoid the horrible California traffic. Lucky I mad it home in about 30 minutes.

I rushed up the stairs to my room because I was soaking wet. Of course, Laura was plopped up on my bed, acting like she owned it. "Laura get your feet off my bed with those heels! And why are you going through my stuff, put that book back on the shelf!" I quickly slipped off my wet leather jacket and tossed on the ground as I went over to the bathroom to turn the shower on.

"Woah sis, I had no idea you were into John Green! I cried after I finished The Fault in Our Stars. Anyways, where have you been? You know we have to go to dinner in like an hour right?" She continued to talk about her day at school but I honestly just blocked her out. I couldn't wrap my mind around the fact that I had just held an actual conversation with Matty! After the week of not seeing him when my parents passed, I never expected to see him again, nor did I exactly want to.

As my shower hit a cold shot I figured it was time to get out. After I dried off and slipped into my strapless bra and matching underwear, I came out into my room to get a dress. I chose a High-Low dress, that had a black tube top necking, and turquoise and white chevron print for the high-low part. Then I quickly dried off my hair.

After all of that, I still had 30 minutes left. So I decided to do my makeup and straighten my hair. As I did this, I decided to fill my sister in on what happened today. "Hey Laur," "yeah?" She said as she rapidly moved her fingers across her iPhone screen. "The reason I came home so late was... Well because I went over to Matt's." She snapped her head up from her phone screen so quickly I'm pretty sure I got whiplash from just observing. I quickly finished applying my mascara so I could join her on the bed. I chose to do very long and bold lashes, a little bit of brown eyeshadow, thin eyeliner, and bronzer to define my cheekbones.

We both sat with our legs crossed. And we were facing each other. This reminded me of bak in Florida when we would stay up all night talking about simple things like celebrities and their problems. I shuttered thinking how now, we were discussing our own problems, which were much more complicated than wearing an outfit worse than someone else.

"He's here? Now? Wow I'm so proud of you Visa I'm so proud of you! I can't believe you stood up to him! How did he take it? Please tell me he at least looked a little hurt." I felt a bit ashamed at first because of course this is what we'd promised to do since the day he abandoned us. We would even make up games on who could create the most torturous penalty to put Matt though. Then I realized I have nothing to be ashamed for. I honored my parents name, and got down to the facts just as they would have wanted me to do.

"Look Lau I'm going to need you to listen. I mean really listen to me alright. So today I showed up o school to find out he was my homeroom teacher. Yeah, that's exactly how my face looked too. Anyways, he asked me to stay after class and that made me furious. What gave him the right to ask a favor of me after all the brutal years, you know?"

I continued to tell her the story, from how each painful word we said to each other stung like a dagger, to how the shared embrace at his home brought back a joy I hadn't felt since before the accident. Once I had finished my story, Laura was in tears, just how I had been at Matty's house. As we hugged each other on my bed for support, our dad walled in. "Oh I suppose you two missed each other?" He said giving us a warm smile because he knew we had just finished talking about our birth parents.

That was another reason my sister and I loved Frank and Jannette so much. They just understood. They understand that continuously asking us questions about "how do we feel about not having our real parents here anymore" will only drive us away from them, and will most definitely not help us "come to terms with this horrible tragedy."

My sister and I released each other and turned to my dad who was standing in the doorway and smiled at him. "Hey dad we're all ready here! I just need to get my wedges. I hope you had a good day at work." I said to him while getting up to quickly give him a hug and glance at myself in the mirror to ensure that none of my makeup had smeared.

"Dad, trust me that was not sisterly bonding that you just saw. I was just strangling old Visa over her to death because she's such a brat." Laura gave him a hug too and wiped her tears off and reapplied her makeup using my materials, without asking I might add. "Oh yeah, such a brat huh. Pretty sure a bratty sister wouldn't just let you use their things as you please." I said as I rolled my eyes at her and chuckled. She just stuck her tongue out at me, so mature.

My dad laughed at our stupidity and dismissed himself to go get ready. We would leave in 20 minutes or so because my mom still had to finish getting ready too seeing as she still isnt home yet from work. She was just going to meet us there though. Since my sister and I were the first ones getting ready, surprisingly, we headed downstairs to watch tv before we left. There was no need to fight over the remote because we both knew what we wanted to watch. GIRL CODE! That was probably the theme show for my sister and I. As we watched the show, Laura turned to me and said something completely out of the blue. "I want to have dinner with you, me, and Matt tomorrow."

I nod in agreement and untangle myself from the couch. I reach a hand out to her to help her up. "Yeah, I don't see why not. Come with me to school a little early tomorrow so we can talk to him. And let's tell mom and dad about Matt over dinner tonight." I finish smiling up at her.

My dad comes down the stairs a minute later. My sister and I make mocking whistles & shout things like 'beep beep hot stuff coming through!' Of course, my dad soaks it up and starts pretending like he's walking on a cat walk and doing all sorts of poses. We all start laughing and head to the garage to get in the family BMW suv. Finally, we end up at the restraint. It's right on the water and the view is absolutely breath taking.

Looking out into the dark and endless water could keep me occupied for hours. Just seeing my reflection makes me think of everything negative there is to think about me. Then seeing how infinite the ocean is contradicts with my petty self-conscious issues and allows me to realize that there are much greater and bigger things in this world that my two eyes can never see. So it helps me find beauty in everything, even in myself, which in itself is a glorious thing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2013 ⏰

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