The Day Out

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There's a picture of what Joseph looks like on the side! (: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Violet's POV ~

As I shut the alarm clock off, I slowly dragged myself out of bed. I mean, legit dragged myself across the floor, to my bathroom; it looked like something out of a horror movie. After my shower I towel-dryed my hair, and brushed my teeth. I fixed my hair into a braided, side ponytail.

I then slipped on my tight black skirt, which ended about two inches above my knee. It had floral designs on it, with pink, green, and red. I wore my black shiny Toms to finish off the girly look, I even did some make-up! I threw some sweats and an off-the-shoulder-sweater into my Adidas bag along with sneakers and basket ball shorts. I went downstairs and ate a bowl of cereal. I bid my parents good-bye and was off to school. I rode slowly on my bike, so as not to get helmet hair.

Joseph's POV ~

I moaned as I rolled out of bed. I took a quick shower and threw on some dark jeans with a plain white-tee and my trusty leather jacket. I ruffled my hands through my dirty blond hair to give it that Edward Cullen look. Not that I tried to look like him... that's just how I like my hair, okay? I slipped on my Nikes and looked at my reflection. Good enough, I thought. But in the back of my mind: You are one handsome man without even trying.

I silently walked down to the halls to my car, avoiding noises that could potentially wake my mother. I got in my car and drove the 5 minutes to school. As soon as I pulled into the parking lot, I saw Violet getting off of her motorcycle and everyone rush up to her like a flock of pigeons. She didn't look annoyed like I would have been this early, but she smiled and greeted everyone. She saw me and politely parted from everyone and told them she'd catch up with them later. She skipped over to me in that short skirt of hers.

"Hey semi-truck, looking good." Violet said to me with a half-smile. "Not too shabby yourself. So how was your first day of school yesterday?" I replied, hoping to lighten the mood. This morning while in the shower I realized why she might have been upset with me yesterday. I figured she thought I accepted a date with both girls on the same night, if you know what I mean. But really I was just taking their numbers so they wouldn't feel bad.

"Listen Violet, about what you saw yesterday-" I began but she cut me off. " It's fine. If that's the way you... spend your free time there's no need to explain to me. I was way out of line to question your... hobbies." She finished, obviously trying not to offend me and my "hobbies." I started to chuckle, but then it turned to full on laughter. All the while, she stood there looking confused and frightened. People walking by stared openly, because I rarely chuckled, let alone had a laughing fit.

In between breaths I said, " I get asked out everyday. But I never say yes. I just take their numbers so they don't feel bad." Her cheeks then turned the brightest pink from embarresment. While starting to giggle she said to me, "Oh, well that makes sense! That's exactly what I used to do at my old school. Well, you have to admit, people can be persistent." She smiled, and I smiled too because she had forgiven me.

I don't know why but I felt different with her mad at me. "I just thought they were desperate," I said. We laughed together at my comment. Violet bit her bottom lip and looked up to meet my eyes, almost two feet above her extraordinary purple ones. " Listen, I still don't know where any of my classes are, and since we have half of them together, would you mind walking me?" I couldn't resist, I smiled back and started walking towards the school. " Watch and learn because I don't want to be stuck walking with you for the rest of the school year," I said jokingly and winked while holding the door open for her as she entered the school.

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