fourty nine

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hoseok hummed, his fingers skimming over the multiple packs of sweet candy, almost tempted to buy some. he knows that he should be here, just walk up to the counter and talk to her, he tells himself, it's not that hard.

but it is.

he doesn't like thinking about it. doesn't like being reminded of it. hates it even. but you need to, he reminds himself, you can do it.

so he does it. and he hates every minute of it.

"hey hoseok oppa !" the younger woman greets, looking up from the counter. "here for a refill?"

hoseok nods, deciding silence is better than breaking down in front of her.

"okay!" she smiles, messing with something on the computer in front of her, "ill get that for you, okay? is there anything else you want?"

hoseok shakes his head, still silent.

it doesn't take her long to get the new pills, the front of the bottle reading in big letters:

Jung Hoseok


Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors(SSRI)/Antidepressants

-Dr. Min

he sighed, taking the bottle form her with a small smile.

"thank you" he says softly, digging in his pockets for his money. he quickly pays her, thanking her once again. he turns around to leave, maybe buy some candy on the way out, but flinches at the man behind him. hoseok swallows thickly, his mind losing all thoughts.

"uh hey." namjoon smiles. "wasn't expecting to see you here hoseok."

"yeah," hoseok mumbles awkwardly, "wasn't really expecting to see you here either."

hoseok hates this too. how awkward it is. no one knows about his,, problems, so he's terrified that namjoon is going to rat him out. then he'll lose them. 'just like last time,' he reminds himself.

"do you wanna go somewhere after this?" namjoon questions, "we could, maybe talk about it if you want? only if you want though! i don't want to force you or anything!" namjoon rambles. and to be honest hoseok feels almost, relieved. he could talk to joon, he knows that.

"sure," he agrees, "let's talk."


so,,, would you hate me if i left it at this lol. i'm not officially off my hiatus but i wanted to surprise you guys!! love you all🥺😭💕

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