Chapter 7

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Koras POV
When we get to the airport I see Hank and Jay stood there. I run towards them and give Hank a massive hug. He hugs me back and says "I'm so sorry Kora," I nod and give Jay a hug. When I pull back they both shake Nicks hand. I smile and say "Hank can I talk to you." He nods so we walk away from Jay and Nick before I say "I want to transfer out of Chicago," he nods and says "I'm guessing you want here." I nod and say "yeah but I don't want to be a cop, I want to get a job where I know I will be safe so I can watch my child grow up." He smiles and says "ok but I expect to get pictures and I will visit," I nod and say "will you show Antonio the pictures," he shakes his head and says "no Antonio had his chance to be there," I nod then Nick hogs over and says "I need to go, there has been a double homicide." I nod and Hank says "Jay go with him and help," Jay nods so they leave and Hank says "if you are moving here you need a house." I nod and say "I know but I don't have a lot of money." He smiles and says "don't worry about that," I smile and say "thanks Hank." He nods so we start looking at places.

After Hank buys me a house we relax and he says "please send me photos of the kid," I nod and say "you know I will, you have been like a dad to me, from when you first took me in to now," he smiles and says "well Jay and I should get home, see you soon." I nod and he walks out so I stay sat there until Nick gets home. He smiles and says "so what have you done today," I smile and say "well Hank brought me a house, I'm moving here." He nods and says "do you want me to talk to Renard about a job." I shake my head and say "no I want a job where I know I can watch my kid grow up." He nods and says "well I'm going to start dinner."

Four Months Later

I wake up and walk downstairs to see Nick making breakfast. He smiles and says "how long until your due." I smile and say "any day now." He nods and says "me and Juliette have done the nursery in your new place," I nod and say "thank you, is she at work." He smiles and says "yeah a horse got attacked." I nod before something runs down my leg. I then feel a sharp pain and say "Nick I think my water just broke." He nods and helps me up before grabbing the bag and taking me to the car.

Skip the labour
I sit there holding my baby when Nick walks in. I smile and say "meet your nephew." He smiles and says "can I hold him," I nod and pass him over before Nick says "what's his name." I smile and say "Wren Phoenix Burkhardt." He smiles and passes him back to me. I smile and hold him close when Nick says "there is someone here to see you." I nod then Hank walks in. I smile and say "hi Hank." He smiles and says "so what's his name." I smile and say "Wren Phoenix Burkhardt, do you want to hold him." He nods and smiles so I pass Wren to him.

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