Chapter 4

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Koras POV
When we arrive at the precinct we walk upstairs. I get my customised desert eagle and badge out of the safe and walk to my desk. Nick sits next to me when Voight walks out of his office. He looks at me and says "desk duty." I smile and say "I know, I brought my replacement for a week." He nods and hands Nick a gun before saying "we have a tip on a drug den, let's roll out." Antonio walks over to me and gives me a hug. I sigh and say "please stay safe." He nods and says "don't worry, your brother will keep me safe." I nod and he gives me a kiss before leaving. After a few minutes I grab my car keys and walk downstairs before saying to Trudy "if they get back before me can you tell Antonio I'm at med please." She nods so I walk out and get in my car before driving to med.

When I arrive I walk to the desk and say "hi Maggie is Dr Manning available." She nods and says "I need a reason, you know that Kora." I smile and say "I need to have an ultrasound." She then starts smiling really widely and says "room 2," I nod want walk to the room and wait until Natalie to come in. When she arrives she smiles and says "so you think mystery man got you pregnant." I smile and say "I find it funny how you all call him mystery man but you know him." She shakes her head and says "right lie down and top up." I do as she says then she puts the gel on my stomach. She then grabs the wand and puts it on the gel. She smiles and says "how far along do you think you are." I quickly say "three weeks, why." She smiles and says "well it looks more to me like you are 5 months." I nod and she prints off three copies of the ultrasound. I smile and say "when should I come back," she smiles and says "next month," I nod and say "thank you." I then walk out to see Hank and Jay talking to Maggie. I walk up to them and say "Where's Nick." Jay turns around and says "back at the precinct, what are you doing here." I smile and say "I was just having a scan." He nods so I walk out to my car and drive back to the precinct.

When I arrive I walk upstairs and look down to see a trail of blood. I sigh and quickly say "who brought blood in." Atwater and Ruzek point towards the locker room. I sigh and walk in to see Antonio sat on the bench. I walk over and sit opposite him before saying "what happened." He sighs and says "suspect shot me." I nod and say "show me," he takes his T-shirt off so I grab the first aid kit. I quickly patch him up and luckily the bullet went straight through. When I'm done I hand him a clean T-shirt from his locker and he puts it on. He looks at me and smiles before saying "where did you go." I smile and say "I went to med and had an ultrasound." I then grab one of the pictures and hand it to him and he smiles really widely. I smile and say "I need to go and talk to Hank." He nods so I give him a kiss before walking to Voights office. After I walk in I close the door and say "Hank is it ok if Antonio and I leave now." He smiles and says "I need a reason." I smile and say "I had an ultrasound and it turns out I'm five months pregnant not three weeks." He nods and says "okay." I smile and say "thank you," before handing him a copy of the ultrasound. When I walk out I grab my stuff and say "Antonio can you come check something out with me please." He quickly stands up and grabs his stuff before we walk out to my car. After we get in he smiles and says "Voight said we can leave then." I nod and say "there is something I found out earlier," he nods so I say "I'm not three weeks pregnant, I'm five months." He smiles and says "so four months." I nod and say "next month we need to go for another scan and we can find out the gender." He shakes his head and says "we should keep the gender a surprise, you only have you first kid once."

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