chapter 4 - Evan

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Well hiya my little babies, I'm Evan and I am the oldest of the fam and the only male sense mum and pop passed oh so terribly... may they rest in peace. Anyway y'all I'm openly gay (if you couldn't tell hehe)

Being gay tho it has its down a because of hypocrites is really fun.  I scream in our band and if my sisters are not feelings well sometimes I play drums and bass for them and Starla sings for me. Though we lost our rocks in life I can honestly say for all of us that sense that horrible night, we've all become a lot closer and we don't take anything for granted... that night changed us all and tho it hurts us still we ate fighters and we can get through it as long as we stick together.

Also don't tell Jake Pitts but I have the biggest gay crush on Jakey. Hehe. Tata for now loves I have to practice so we can soon go one tour with the man of my dreams.

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