Chapter 3 Part 1: An Unusual Meeting With The Guardian of the Main Land!

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Last time, on Chapter 2:

"It's a possibility that she lost her memories with that injury on her head."

"These are my friends: Tinky Winky, Dipsy, Lala, and I'm Po."

Meanwhile somwhere else a lone figure stared at a computer with (Y/n)'s image.

"...Do you guys think....I'll never get my memories back?"

"....This necklace.... Is m-" She started before she heard familiar voices calling her.

"I gAvE yOu ThIs NeCkLaCe, NoT oNlY iT iS yOuR lIfElInE, iT wIlL pRoTeCt YoU fRoM dAnGeR."

She looked up at Tinky Winky, who looked very mad, but it was covered with a sadistic smile as he brought the knife towards her (F/n) heart shaped locket.

(Y/n)'s eyes to lid before finally letting darkness consumed her. The white tubby picked her up bridal style.

"Don't worry, I got you."

3ed POV

'Everything was dark, and quiet. Did I die?' 

'No, it feels as though I'm in a soundless asleep.' 

Then a blinding light overcast (Y/n) as everything started to quack.
It was blurry when she woke up with a splitting headache. "What happened?" She said as she looked around to be in an unfamiliar room, the atmosphere was warm and almost welcoming to her. "....Where am I?" She said, not noticing the white tubby in an chair, facing her. "You are in my bunker." He said startling the girl. (Y/n) looked at him in a warey and shocked expression, before looking around the room again. "Bunker? But, who are you? What hap-" she cut off herself when memories of what happened.

Tinky Winky destroyed the custard machine.

She and Po went looking for him.

.......Her friends fates.

  (Y/n)'s eyes began to water as she covered her mouth to quiet the sobs that wrecked her form. Many memories of her and her friends started to pop up, then, their deaths. Each gorey memory stabbed at her.

Po, brutally hanged. Stab.

Dipsy, his head was cleaved off. Stab.

Lala... (Y/n) didn't see her anywhere. But, she might as well be dead by now. Stab.

Tinky Winky.....HE KILLED THEM. STAB

  (Y/n) sobbing got louder and louder as every stab hit her with relentless force. She couldn't take it. Breathless crying echoed throughout the bunker, like it was trying to remind her of the stupid mistake of leading her friends to their deaths.

  The white tubby sat there in silence, knowing full well what was going on in her head. It hurts him too, he watched over the Teletubbies over the past 5-6 years. He was responsible for them. But (Y/n) was allowed to see them, get to play with, and get to know them. A shadow was casted over his eyes, in attempt to hide tears that pricked the edges of his down cast gazed. The tubby inhale and began to slowly walked to the bedside and sat next to the mourning (Y/n). He hesitatingly wrapped a arm around her, causing her to flinch, but relaxed onto him as he pulled her into a hug.

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