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"Did you hear JYP was throwing a party at his house?"

Some of the other make-up artist were gossiping around me.

"Yeah. How random is that? Big bosses never invite people to their houses. And if they did it certainly media and staff wouldn't be invited as guest. There's got to be some big announcement!"


I snapped my head around.

"Bang would like to see you in his office."


Geez, I just got here. What did I do?

I knocked before entering.

He smiled brightly when I entered and gestured for me to sit.

"So Sophia, Jin Young gave me the news this morning. Are you happy?"

"I honestly don't know how I feel. To know the man who I thought was my father is not. To find out this man I just met is, it's a bit overwhelming. And now I hear there's a party tonight."

"He talked about it with his wife and he's announcing you tonight."

I haven't even met them, the rest of his family... my family."

"That is why a car is on the way here to take you to Jin Young's house."

I slumped down in the chair, "But I just started working."

"Yeah, about that. The two of us were thinking. You are way too skilled to be a make-up artist. Not that doing make-up isn't done skillfully, we just don't think its your area of expertise."

"I agree."

"We want to double sign you."

"Sign me! Like an artist?!"

"We'll talk about it more tomorrow."

"Okay." Can my life get any more interesting?

I couldn't move my legs to exit the car. Call it what you want. Fear? Nerves? Me stalling? All of the above? The driver patiently waited at the car door until I was ready. Eventually, I got out,

I was greeted at the door by who one would assume the butler. "Follow me ma'am."

"Sophia." I corrected him. I do not want to be called ma'am by someone older than me. Butler or not.

The house was filled with people all doing a job. Getting ready for the party I guess. He ushered me into a big room. Probably the living area. There the butler left me, so I made myself comfortable. A few minutes later, a leggy woman who didn't look that much older than me walked in.

Oh wow.

"Hi... wow, you look just like him?" You could tell she was completely baffled by it.

"Really? I'm always told I'm the spitting image of my mother."

"I'm Park Ji Eun. Jin Young's wife. And you're Sophia?"

I nod, "Its nice to meet you."

We sit down and have an extensive chat.

I haven't talked to anyone like this since my mom died.

"The party tonight was my idea, I hope you don't mind. Jin Young just wanted to announce it, but I feel that something like this should be celebrated."

"Can I be honest? I didn't expect you to be like this... welcoming."

"I was upset at first, but it's no fault of his or yours. You both didn't know about the other."

Is she implying that this is my mothers fault? Well, in a way I guess it is. She should've told me a long time ago.

"What type of attire should I wear? I don't really have any formal clothes."

"Leave that to me. Just tell me what you like and your exact size. I'll find the perfect outfit for you."

"Oh. Thank you. That's so kind."

"There's something else. I had suggested you come stay with us."

Now it was my turn to be baffled.

"We should get to know each other. But if you're uncomfortable with that we can always get you an apartment."



"I'll move in. Just for a little while. Until I can financially get a place of my own. My dad... Chun Lee, already packed my things for me anyways."

"He packed your bags FOR YOU?"

"We never really got along. And now I know why. This was why. He's always known I wasn't his and who my real father was." He's always known. And it's so easy to put all the blame on someone who's never been there for you.

"Do you want me to send for your bags?"

"Actually I think I'll get them myself. Put an end to a heartbreaking story."

Figures he wouldn't be here. I grabbed a pen and paper:

"Congratulations. You finally got what you wished for. Me gone. I won't say this is goodbye, we'll see each other again. Hopefully on better terms. I loved you more than you loved me. I also hated you for it. And in the end, I always will. Goodbye dad,

Love Sophia."

I left the note on the kitchen counter and walked out the house with my bags in hand.

jimin or jb? (kpop fanfic) (ON HOLD!!)Where stories live. Discover now