
45 2 1

"So tomorrow, you'll meet with your teacher. She'll have all your course work material for all subjects. Be prepared to go over them with her."

I try to pay attention to what my dad is saying, but my thoughts cannot be waivered.

My mom.

I miss my mom.

If I was a stable adult, I could've kept our house. But I'm a broke college student who had to take a break to move in with my father half way around the world. A father who's barely  been in my life and knows nothing about me. Specifically, my age.

"Chul Lee?" I address my father using his full name.

He hates that.

A scowl appears mighty on his face.

"How old am I?"

"Excuse me?"

"How old am I?" I repeat slower.

I can tell by the look on his face that he's thinking about it, and that's truly sad.


"And I'm assuming you think I'm still in high school?"

"Well yes—

"Except I graduated three years ago, so you might want to get your money back for the private teacher."

"Sophia! Look, I know we haven't always gotten along, but I am still your father—

"You haven't seen me enough to get along! Before mom's funeral, it was my 16th birthday. That was the last time I've seen you. Five years ago! Ever since then its been nothing but the occasional holiday and birthday card."

"If you didn't want to move here, why did you agree to?"

I could feel my eyes swell and I really didn't want him to see me cry.

"Because...you're all that I have left."

I know he wanted to speak, but what could you say after that?

Raindrops were literally falling on my head as I walked with no destination in the rain. I just needed a minute.

One minute.

Trust me, it was not raining when I left. My clothes were soaked at this point and I'm pretty sure I was lost. I had only been here a week and my stuff were still in boxes. My clothes in suitcases. I refuse to believe this is anything short of a nightmare. One that I'll wake up from and everything be back the way it was.

I find an empty bench no longer able to walk and start sobbing.

Sobbing for my life now, sobbing because I'll never see my mother's face again, and sobbing for the relationship I have with my father.

Why must my life be like this? It's so unfair!

"Excuse me? Are you okay?"

I stop crying long enough to look up at the voice above me. Two guys, one umbrella, stood looking down at me.

"Fine." I stand, a little too fast, before falling on my ass and passing out.

"Oh look, I think she's starting to come to."

"What possessed you two to bring her back to our house?"

"We're going to get into so much trouble."

"She passed out on the ground, what were we supposed to do?"

"Ouch." I put a hand to my forehead. A bandage sat on the right of my temple. Seven boys were starring down at me when I opened my eyes. "Umm, hello?"

jimin or jb? (kpop fanfic) (ON HOLD!!)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz