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I got absolutely no sleep last. I literally spent the entire night googling BTS. Turns out, they are no joke. They're extremely popular. Like the biggest K-pop group out right now and I actually met them. I'm excited, I don't know why.  It's not like I listen to K-pop. I barely listen to anything if it's not classic. But the occasional hot track does come on the radio and my mom... loved the radio.

I shake the sad thoughts that started to cloud my head away and pulled up YouTube on my laptop. A knock came to the door and it opened without an answer.


"Yes?" I sounded annoyed.

"Since you're taking a semester off from school, I thought we could go job hunting? Get you more familiar with Seoul."

"Umm, that's what I'm doing now." I scroll through their many videos, until one catches my eye.

"On your computer?"

"Yeah, you can do almost anything digital these days Chul Lee."

"Why can't you call me dad or abeogi? I'll accept any of those at this point."

"You know why, can we not talk about it please?"

"You know, we can't mend our relationship if we both aren't trying."

You had 21 years to try...

Giving up, he starts to walk out. "Oh, by the way, someone dropped this off in the mailbox. I thought you didn't know anyone here?"

I looked at the envelope with my name on it and smiled. "I may have met a few friends last night."

"Good for you." He let himself out as I ripped into the envelope almost tearing what was inside.

A flyer?

"Make-up artist needed. Full availability required."

Huh. I could do this. I do my  own make-up pretty well.

"Big Hit Entertainment." I read aloud.

For the first time in weeks I'm actually looking forward to something.

"Excuse me?"

The guy at the counter seemed bothered that I took him away from his phone call. "Yes?"

I held up the flyer, "Second floor third door on your left." With that he's back to his call.

Wait that's it? He's just going to let me in. I could a crazy member of the army!

There was a barge of girls waiting when I walked in. They looked a lot older than me. Like late 20s mid 30s.

I wonder which of the members are responsible for leaving this flyer in my mailbox?

I plugged my earbuds into my phone and started to play my classical playlist. During the second song I forgot I haven't watched any of their videos yet. So, I played Blood, Sweat, and Tears. When the video ended, I watched it again.

Wow. They're extremely talented.

I pulled up a more recent one. Idol.

"Sophia Sol?"

What did I get myself into!

"Is Sophia Sol here?"

I looked up from my phone to see a brunette, late 30s, looking down at me.


"Follow me please."

I get up and follower her through the door she came out of.

"I'm quite surprised. You're a little younger than what we usually hire. Who recommended you?"

"I'm not sure actually. I got the flyer in my mailbox." I thought to mention BTS but thought better of it.

She halted and I almost ran into her.

"Someone left a flyer... in your mailbox?"

I nod cautiously.

She says nothing else and continues walking. We walked into another room, which she left me in.

"Okay..." I sit down at the desk and examined the room. It was beautifully colored with pictures hanging on the wall. Mostly of BTS. Does this company not have any other groups?

After a while, a middle-aged man came in and greeted me. I stood and slightly bowed. I'm sure I looked stupid... and foreign. I've been bowing to everyone I see just so I can get used to it.

"Please, sit."

I do and he sits directly in front. "You are Sophia Sol?"

"Yes sir."

"My name is Bang Si-hyuk. I am the owner of Big Hit. I don't normally interview the make-up artist personally, but it was brought to my attention that you were recommended by one of my artists. So, tell me about yourself."

"Uh, okay I'm 21 years old. I was in college in the states studying music before my mom died a few weeks ago. Now, I'm living in Korea with my father who's now forced to acknowledge my existence."

"I'm sorry to hear about your mother."

"Thank you."

"What field of music did you study?"

"Classical. I play the violin as well. I've been playing since I was six. It grew to be my second love."

"What's your first?"

I grew quiet and he immediately knew the answer to the question. Trying to lighten the mood, I pulled my locket from out of my shirt and took it off my neck. "This is my mother."

His smile fades as he looks at the photo. "Oh... my..."

"Pretty isn't she? Everyone says I look just like her because I definitely don't look like my dad."

"You're hired."

"E—excuse me?"

"You're hired. I have a few papers I'd need you to sign before you leave today. Orientation will start tomorrow morning, 7 am."

"I'll be here, thank you!" I stood as he did and bowed again.

I can't wait to give Chul Lee the great news. Bet he didn't think I could find a job this quick.

I got home in a hurry; I didn't want to waste the day. I needed to be in full research mode and not just BTS. I need to know everything about Big Hit before tomorrow.

"I'm really trying with her Min So, but she's not making it easy."

Min So? My dad's sister?

"I wish I could tell her why I was so distant over the years, but I promised Marissa I'd keep it a secret. Sophia's an adult now, she deserves to know the truth. She needs to know I'm not her birth father."

My mood shattered as my heart broke a little more.

jimin or jb? (kpop fanfic) (ON HOLD!!)Where stories live. Discover now