Chapter 1

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-'Im sorry.. I hope you understand..' 'Ya- i do..' 'Just "i do"? Dont you want to ask me anything?' 'Not really, its probably not like i can change your mind, like you never let me.' I sighed and went with my hand through his hair, 'know that my love for you wont change, wherever i am.' -


“it feels like yesterday..” I said as I looked at my hand.  Its already been a couple of years since I left my country and all of my friends. Its also been a while since I Iast spoke with them by skype. I let out a deep sigh and leaned all over my desk. With my arms folded on my books and resting my head on them, I looked at the window. The winter has finally ended and slowly there grew some new leaves on the trees. Its been though those years, without any of my old friends around me and just keeping my thoughts at my study. ”maybe I can check who’s online,” I said quietly before I got up and walked to the kitchen.

My laptop was stationed at the end of the table. Its not like I need al the space of that table while eating anyway. I unlocked my laptop from is sleep mode and went to Skype. Though, nobody was online, except some classmates from over here. “ofcourse there’s no one online, its like 4:30am over there,” I said in annoyance of myself that I didn’t even realized it. even though ive stayed in England for so long by now, I still wasn’t used to the time difference. 

I opened a new internet window and searched to a Japanese newspaper. Another earthquake has hit the big city, Tokyo. Ever since Tsunami Sendai, I wanted to go back to help everyone and to be sure if my friends where doing fine. Though nobody was harmed, luckily. besides that, much news. The Emperor got a visit of an foreign Monarchs and they’re trying to find something on the ‘blind spot’ of vehicles.

Before I could close the internet I saw in a small content block, an advertisement of movies which where about to get released on the tv, such like: Koizora and BECK. I smiled a bit, I remember how a classmate of collage was obsessed with the anime of it. I never knew that they made an live-action of it though. I clicked on the link which brought me to a page with a description of the movie and with the cast that was playing in it. the movie was about a young boy who really wanted to play the guitar and ended in a small rock band, or something like that. The main cast wasn’t that big: Hiro Mizushima, Kenta Kiritani, Osamu Mukai.. “Satoh Takeru?” I looked up, “im sure I remember him from something..” after I continued reading the cast, I recognized one of the names immediately. I couldn’t get the image from my mind, like it was stuck to my brain. My fingers started to tremble as it felt like something was sucking up my fingers from inside out. “i.. I never knew.. this..” I said quietly before something liquid felt on my keyboard and before I knew it, tears where running down my face.

Why was I crying? Its not like he tried to keep contact as well.. slowly, I moved the mouse up to the link with his name and got onto Ameba, a Japanese blog site. Those eyes! Like hell I couldn’t recognize them, Dori always had those big, brown eyes which were always pointing right at me.  The header was that big, wherever I was looking, It was always in my aspect. I clicked on the button that send me to his profile and read some of the comments. I took my phone, if I couldn’t call him, I needed to find another way.

I went to register myself under the name: Clear Chestnut. ((because her last name ‘Sumiko’ means Clear, and her name ‘Kuri’ means Chestnut)) I changed my profile photo to a chestnut before I went back to dori’s profile and clicked on the button to send him a message.

I swallowed a bit as my fingertips touched my keyboard. “Omg! What should I write?! I probably cant write a simple message.. he’s an actor now after all, he probably wont have time to read a stupid message..” I looked back at the comments of other site members who posted something on his profile. Simple, short and quick comments like ‘thank you for always keeping us updated’ or ‘thank you, im looking forward to the dvd!’ and more like that. I took a deep sigh and slowly started typing.

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