Introduction: Sumiko Kuri

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"Goodbye.. My love.."
     - Kuri’s last words before she left

     General Characteristics

Name: Sumiko Kuri
Appearance: short, grey, smooth hair and blue eyes which looks like they’re able to see through your soul. Kuri is at a normal length of 16.5cm and has a soft, baby skin. She got small, sensitive hands, a skinny stomach and long legs compared to her arms.
Other Names: Ku-chan, Miko-chan
Titles: -chan, nurse-
Theme Song: I Will Always Love You – Whitney Houston

     Personal Characteristics

Birth Date: 1992/02/17

Birth Place: Osaka

Former hometown: Taijiri Town – Osaka

Currently Hometown: Tokyo

Primary Objective: able to find a got paid job as nurse. With the money she earns she wants to achieve to buy a house on the country side

Secondary Objectives: find the love of her life and start a family on her own. Become a good friend of her old lover and support him whenever he needs it

     Mental Characteristics

Known Languages: Japanese, English

Savvies: in her spare time Kuri mostly take care for the horse of her neighbor who is an old lady and used to compete in horse races. 

Hobbies: taking care for the horse, helping children by doing her work, taking care of ppl, photography

     Likes and Dislikes

Likes: animals, ppl, nice places, quiet, nursing

Dislikes: loud sounds, not being able to calm a person on her work, crying children, bullies


Equipment: Kuri always carries her phone with her, with Mrs. Sakurada’s number on the first shortcut botton and the number of the hospital on the second shotcut. . 

     Social Characteristics

Emotional Stability: Kuri is mostly able to stay calm at times something hits her in the face. First she always need to assimilate everything before she finally realizes whats going on. Then she decided if it is better like that before she’s finally able to cry about it or smile about it. 

Humor: Kuri hates dirty jokes and they mostly annoys her. Kuri also dislikes those kind of jokes which separate the people in two different groups etc. 

Reputation: Kuri has some good friends at the Amuse Agency and is quite known by everyone.

Status: quiet

     School and Work

Education: Kuri worked up from kindergarten to high school in Tokyo before she started a college in the middle of Tokyo but soon before she reached the end of her first year, she stopped and moved to England where she got into college and university

Study Habits: how older she got, how more serious she took her study. In England she decided not to have much friend so she could spent her time for studying, so she could return back as soon as possible.

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