(36) My teacher

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Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.


A manager

A facilitator

A care taker

A guider and

A well wisher

More than that he was a loco parent

The way he transforms one to another

According to the situation was wonderful

He played these entire roles in his life

To make us a good citizen to the world

He has not only given the education for this life

But also for hereafter

We enjoyed a wide range of benefits

From the wisdom of his through

The painstaking efforts and enormous courage

He provided us a vast knowledge what he has gained

And sharpen our brain

When he was explaining

His hands and eyes co-ordinates

To make us understand the lesson very clearly

Bold and the clear voice still ringing in our ears

We loved Saturdays because

We can meet you only on that day

Grey hair, a smiley face with spectacles and beard

Six feet height and a thin body with handsome look

Your gigantic contribution to the society was unrivalled

You have enlightened and rejuvenated us by the intelligence of you

Wow you were a great person we have ever met in our life

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