(21) Cooing!!

291 27 8

Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu.

This poem is dedicated to Sky- sparks97.Thank you so much for your votes and comments it meant a lot to me.


Sunrays were piercing through the greeny forest

And it was a beautiful morning

There was a lovely couple

In the shady bower

With a small head and white colour body

These doves were

Cooing!!  Cooing!!  Cooing!!

Singing and dancing

Purring and purring

An amorous tryst

Beak to beak, beak to neck

Beak inside the wings, feathers ruffling

Enjoying their life without any fear

A hunter with his fireticks on his shoulder

spotted the lovers


One fell fluttering ,last breath was inside it

The other circling and circling round

Screaming with piercing cry

A  tone of uncanny

Looking for the lost lover

One more bullet

Aim was correct

Hunters bag turned heavier

He was belching and belching

Cooing!! Cooing!!  Cooing!!

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